Author Topic: Weed Killer-pre-emergent??  (Read 686 times)

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Offline gypsyman

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Weed Killer-pre-emergent??
« on: August 29, 2012, 02:45:42 AM »
Well, the garden didn't do so well this year. I had hip surgery in July, and it kept me from doing any watering and weeding. So, I'l salvage what I can, and get ready for next year. The weeds really took over. I'm in the process of brush hogging the back 2.5 acres. The weeds are so thick and tall, I, or one of my sons, can only go around a couple times, then have to bring the tractor in to cool off, and clean out the screen and radiator, because it's coming close to overheat. It's a yellow dust from the weeds.And, have some around the garden. I don't plan on treating the whole back area, just where I plant my garden. About 1500sq. ft. I do plan on going to the local garden center, and ask their advice, but, thought I'd throw it out here and see what anybody here might say. Thanks gypsyman
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Offline charles p

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Re: Weed Killer-pre-emergent??
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2012, 03:00:19 AM »
I use pre-emergent in my yard in Feb and Mar to prevent crab grass.  Can't plant anything from seed however.  No certain how long the pre-emergent will last.  You might need to apply it now for fall weeds and in the spring for those weeds.  Roundup should take care of the existing weeds.  It works best on small woody plants in the fall.  Several applications are best.  The generic name is Glycol-4 I think.  A farm supply will have it.  Always purchase the concentrate - at least 28%.

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Re: Weed Killer-pre-emergent??
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2012, 05:19:52 AM »
Preen is what I would use. It is pretty commonly mixed with fertilizer for lawns " crab grass preventer ".
A few things to consider here.
One, this sort of chemical enters the weed through the stem only not roots not leaves. Be careful not to bury it. Spray and then useing a garden rake work into only the top 1 1/2 " of soil, or spray over the top of your plantings and water it into the soil. The water will move it a couple inches at which point it binds to the soil and pretty well stays put.
Two, it can kill small seeded garden veg as well as it kills small seeded weeds and grass. Beans, corn and sets will be fine but you'll play hell with carrots lettuces and that sort of thing.
Three, I have no idea as to whether or not it is labeled for garden use. I used its ag formulation Prowl in the past. In my case I knew good and well I was eating as much Prowl at work as I was spraying on my garden plot. I also used Lasso and prefered it actually.
Watch that plot after you get it tilled this fall, it ought to green up real nice. Till that sucker again to bring up some more seeds that might just germinate before fall killing still more seed. You can do the same come spring, till wait about 8 days and till again, plant, spray, water, relax.
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Re: Weed Killer-pre-emergent??
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2012, 05:28:25 AM »
There is a product called GLY STAR and GLY STAR + that I have been using for years . It is safe to use around critters and wells. It works well. The GLY STAR + sticks to leaves better they claim. I have used both and they seem to work about the same.
Get mine at AGRI-SUPPLY , they are online and have stores. So far its the most enomical I have tried.
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Offline cjclemens

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Re: Weed Killer-pre-emergent??
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2012, 07:42:30 PM »
My garden is split - 1/2 is the sweet corn patch and the other 1/2 is used for all other vegetables.  I rotate those patches back and forth every year, and I use conventional pre-emergent herbicide on the sweet corn. Since i've implemented the rotation, i've really put a dent in the weed seed bank.  However, my garden plot is a little bigger, so I have the room to rotate - Im not sure if that would work for you.  In the spring, if the garden greens up with weeds before I start planting, I'll burn it down with roundup.  Unfortunately, I dont think theres one single pre-emergent herbicide formulation that's safe for all garden crops.  You might look into Treflan, but its more like a weed supressor...