Author Topic: Smart Phone and Bluetooth Speaker  (Read 1019 times)

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Smart Phone and Bluetooth Speaker
« on: December 29, 2012, 05:48:28 AM »
The other day I found coyote calls app for my phone (for spooking my son's friend) and was wondering about getting a bluetooth speaker for volume and using this app to hunt with. I've never used an electonic call before. Who has used this combo? Down side or up side to it? Thanks

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Re: Smart Phone and Bluetooth Speaker
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 07:44:03 AM »
I would think that the speaker volume is going to be very limited.  I have a friend that has a bunch of sound on her ipad, but I just couldnt see taken that out and laying it on the ground to hunt.
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Offline MNzach

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Re: Smart Phone and Bluetooth Speaker
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 04:47:39 AM »
how about something like this?

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Re: Smart Phone and Bluetooth Speaker
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2013, 10:20:57 PM »
I have a call app on my iphone and use it all the time. I get tired of remote operated electric calls and just like when the tv remote doesn't work and you hold it above your head to see if that helps I can't stand wiggling around that much on a stand. I use a remote speaker with its own power source and a cable that plugs into my headphone jack. Kinda handy because my ballistic calculator is on the phone too. Damn these things but I figure if I own it I might as well make it work for me. I've had great luck and it has led many dogs, crows and all sorts of other critters right into my lap. Used in conjunction with a moving decoy it will certainly bring you luck. I'd much rather mess with the wire and not have the remote fail.
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Re: Smart Phone and Bluetooth Speaker
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2013, 05:01:06 PM »
I bought one of the Johnny Stewart Predator Two E callers. Not bad, like the remote controler a lot, but not much volume. Figgered out I could use the auxillery jack with a homemade rig and get LOTS of volume and still have the remote control capability!

Plus I can use the homemade rig as a stand alone unit, with my MP3 player if I want too. 8)
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