Author Topic: Reminiscing about an old friend  (Read 419 times)

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Offline Brett

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Reminiscing about an old friend
« on: September 22, 2012, 06:00:58 AM »
Not sure if the item belongs here or in the Potbellied Stove forum.  The story does involves hand guns so I guess this forum will due.

I typed a post in the S&W Bodyguard thread that got me to reminiscing about an old friend of mine.  He was a  field agent and pilot with the FBI.   We originally met when he was reassigned to NJ from the midwest and he and his family started attending the church our family were members of.  For obvious reasons he was not too open about what he actually did for a living with most people usually only saying he was a government employee when asked.  But for some reason we had become fast friends and confided in me the true nature of his work.  So there you have the background for my story.

I was a member of a local indoor pistol club and invited my new friend to come out and shoot with me.  He readily agreed and we set a day and time to meet at the range.  We arrived at about the same time and I began gathering up all my gun cases and shooting gear from the trunk of my car to bring into the range.  He hops out of his vehicle empty handed dressed in jeans, cowboy boots and a corduroy blazer and proclaims he's ready.   I'm thinking "Hmm looks like we are shooting my guns today."  which I was okay with it just kind of struck me as odd that he would show up empty handed.

So we go inside and saunter up to the counter and purchases several boxes of ammo and some targets and borrows a pair of ear muffs for him and we head into the range area.   Once inside I start opening cases and ask what he wanted to shoot first.   He replies that he would start out with his service revolver and produces a 3" Model 13 from his hip under his blazer.  Okay... cool! After that guns just start appearing from everywhere.  A M60 Snubby comes out of his boot, a small semi-auto of some type (a little .380 Colt I think it was) comes out of the small of his back, something may have come out of a shoulder holster I don't recall for sure.

I just thought it was pretty cool that I thought he was unarmed when in fact he had several pieces concealed on his person. 

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