I have wondered about a perplexing problem for years, and am hoping someone knowledgeable about gunsmithing and repair can give me some insight. The firearm in question in a circa 1983 AYA "Yeoman" double-barrel 12 gauge shotgun.
Some years ago I began experiencing a problem in which, after firing the shotgun, the breach was very hard to break open. Upon doing so, I saw that there were groove, and drag marks, in the primers. It seemed that the firing pins were going in too deep, and perhaps not retracting. Sometimes it appeared that the primers had backed out of the case a tiny bit, but that could be due to the pulling action against the primers. This is obviously not how the firearm is supposed to operate. It has always been kept clean, and I have only shot factory ammo from the firearm. I have not yet taken it to a gunsmith.
Any insight into cause, corrective action, would be appreciated.