Kinda goes back to the "does barrel length effect velocity". Lots of articles written about it, some actual experiments done with cutting a barrel down an inch at a time to see what the effect really was. Same thing here, basic law of thermodynamics says pv=nrt (pressurexvolume=moles of gasxconstantxtemperature). So the question becomes, can you burn the powder to create the pressure as the volume changes as the bullet travels down the barrel and the temperature rises before the bullet leaves the muzzle. Since all those variables exist (including the fact that the equation is for an ideal gas and has 'issues' during change of state, ie solid gunpowder to a gas) the debate will continue for a long time. Hard to prove. If I had more money and time than I knew what to do with, I'd go buy three like barrels and test them side by side with the same lot powder and bullets just to settle the debate in my mind. Course someone would say it was the barrels internal differences that caused the results and wouldn't believe what I observed (moon was wrong, wind was blowing, etc) So we come back to what MS Hitman said, really boils down to personal preference. I too like the .308 over the 30-06 but it's funny how the 30-06 is an accepted Elk round and everyone seems to think the .308 with the same bullet going 100-200fps slower isn't.