I know that your post stated that you can make what you have work but I just thought I'd share what I have done many times. I've used some Brownell's Acra-Gel on top punches that would fit nicely in my sizing die. I placed the top punch in the luber, placed a bullet on the top of the sizing die, ran it in just to center it and then coat the bullet and sizing die with release agent incase any gell drips. Then, place a dab of gel on the top of the bullet. The top punch has to be completely degreased for this to work. Then softly let the top punch rest on the bullet, come back tomorrow and voila, a top punch for your bullet! You can chuck it in an electric dril and a file can dress it up. If you don't have a top punch to use, I recomend a compatable roundnose top punch and drill it deeper. I've done this with pointed bullets and semi wadcutters and had excelent results.