UTM is a method that allows one to pinpoint a location on a topo map to within 10 meters, closer if you have young eyes :wink:
A topo map that is divided into 1000 meter grids will allow you to call GPS co-ords right then and there and wail em into the GPS. You simply hit the GOTO and I guarantee you will get there!
We are about the LAST nation NOT to be on the metric system. More the pity as the metric system is so simple it's scary. Everything is divison or multiples of 10. For example, a kilometer is 1000 meters. There are 10 100 meter blocks in a 1000 meter block. Within a 100 meter block, divide it by 10....are you getting it? I do very little in the English system anymore.
From a hunting standpoint, a waypoint is a location no matter what system you use. The advantage to the UTM system is the back and forth on the topo map. Co-ordinates are just numbers. The UTM sytem lets you translate those numbers to REAL locations on the map.
Rule of thumb is ALWAY read, RIGHT UP. You ALWAYS start at the lower left corner of the 1000 meter grid. You match the numbers as 2 64, and 42 38 for example on the left and top of the topo map. The last 3 numbers are meters. So say you had 2 64 500, you would be 500 meters into the block, or in the middle. Now if the other reading is say 42 38 800, then you go up 800 meters. Where the two cross is where you are on the map!
I have used back bearings from landmarks as well, For a long time it was all we had to use :wink: Now, hit the waypoint button and to Hell with all that backbearing stuff
Dig into UTM, you WILL love it! And BTW.......METRIC!!!!!