It always amazes me when people assail pot legalization yet have no problem with the biggest neighborhood drug dealer of all...who also happens to be legal...your doctor. I'll bet if you compared street drug abuse versus perscription drug abuse the perscription drug abuse rates would dwarf street drug abuse. It probably ruins more lives and causes just as much crime too. Face it you can go to your doctor and usually get a script for whatever you want. I hurt my knee last year and I went to the doctor. I was worried that something was torn and wanted it checked out. I didnt ask for pain meds. They handed me a script for oxycontin while I was checking out. Theres a pretty large black market for oxy. Working in EMS I have dealt with perscription drug abusers frequently...more frequently than street drug abusers. About 5 years ago they added a drug called dilaudid which is a more potent form of morphine to our protocol. The first shift I worked under the new orders I got called to "severe abdominal pain" Based on exam and vital signs there was no "severe" pain. The patient already knew we had dilaudid and "right before we got there the patients surgeon called and told the patient to tell us to give dilaudid" When I asked for the "surgeon's" phone number to confirm she "couldnt remember". So much for your dose of dilaudid sweetheart I am not dispensing it. The person got irate and forgot all about that abdominal pain. Dont worry about pot. far worse drugs are as close as your nearest healthcare provider.
Thank you for this Lakota.
When I hurt my back years back, I went to the VA. without even an x-ray or physical assessment, I walked out of there with THREE prescriptions of some pretty numbing (but fun stuff). I did some concrete work for a holistic physical therapist who diagnosed me with a simple pinched sciatic nerve. Gave me a quick one hour lesson on how to fix this without drugs, surgery, or endless expensive chiropractic visits. It took about three weeks (I was bad, I mean "pretzel man" bad), but I was out running, swimming and pulling a concrete rodd stick again in less than a month.
After seeing how bad off some of the old burnt out vets were at the VA (all they do is drug them up), I never went back. I felt guilty for being in there with something so minor.
If any of you have sciatica, I'll be glad to share what the "Hans Method" with you. (Don't smoke weed though, relief is only temporary, and dries you out-bad for back pain.)