Things the Republicans should address in their own party platform:
1) You can not ignore or discredit scientific fact and keep your credibility. Young people ARE the ones doing the grunt work for scientific research. Just saying it's not so only shows them you are not willing to do anything about the problem, or that you are not smart enough to perceive that there IS a problem. Meaning what? There are Republican young people..and no questions are generally asked about politics when Dems or Reps collect their paychecks..
2) Healthcare access IS a problem here. Ignoring that only showed that the Republicans either do not care or again are too dense to realize that there is a problem. Reps did not ignore health care, both sides were working on a plan..until 2008, when obama got dictatorial power, locked the Reps out of the discussion and instituted a nation-killing plan which Dems "passed without reading.
3) Equal rights are what it's all about--- the Republicans would do well to stay away from ANY talk or vote that has anything to do with abortion or any women's issues, voter suppression, etc..Umm.. Reps didn't bring up abortion or birth control''these are both settled issues..a woman can participate legally in both. The obama supporters simply bwhipped up a few uninformed people.
4) Republicans need to ANSWER THE QUESTIONS they are asked. Does anyone here think the world simply did not notice that when Romney was asked if he paid women the same as he paid men, instead of answering, he meandered around and started the whole "binder" debacle?
5) Normal people believe that if you are making 95% of the money, you should pay 95% of the taxes. Period. I doubt the percentage you posted, but it has been proven over and over..the rich pay well above what is reasonable.
A comparison: If the apartment yhou live in raises the rent too move..The rich international businessmen can do the same..and probably will. Somehow the libs can't figure that out.
6) Three things, the military, health care, and education, whether you interpret the Constitution that way or not, need to be run, SECULARLY, by the federal government, without question. Those things are simply too big and too important to the well-being of the people in this country to be given over to private industry. I see "provide for the common defense" in the will have to show me the other two. Until you do, I expect they come under "states rights'.
7) You can not frighten poor people with poverty. That does not work. And you can't tell them on the one hand that the money is worthless and then try and scare them with figures of how much they personally owe on the national debt. If the money is worthless, what difference does it make? Who is trying to frighten poor people with poverty? Not the Reps..that's a liberal/socialist game. Libs even get people who are not in poverty to believe tey are..
Nobody said the money is worthless sinc Obama was's just worth less.
If the Republicans can not do at least that much, they will die off as the current crop of older white men die off. Younger people generally do not have preconceived party affiliations--- they're ALL independents. And, young people nowadays are not going to vote for a party that spouts ideology over pragmatism. Likewise, people of color have no affiliations to the GOP--- they're voting the whats-in-it-that-helps-me ticket. That's the real problem..and it id not delineated by color The GOP also needs to admit that GW destroyed the economy. GW damaged the economy.. added $4T in 8 years, Obama added $6T in less than 4 years, DO THE MATH!That one denial caused them at least some of the vote from middle aged and older white guys. Obama can get away with blaming Bush--- Bush was guilty. Trying to call him out on that blame just comes across as childish and whiney. They'd have done better to say that they had messed things up, and then tell what they were changing to fix it--- hint: no more tax breaks for the rich.We do not have a tax problem..but a spending problem..exactly what the dems accus Bush of,,but even moreso!
If the GOP does not move in this direction, they are history. And as the Jackass party goes "forward" the United States becoming history...
Unless the people wake up, we are going to crash. In order to avoid going the wau of the Medes & Persians we must;
1) Understand that each able-bodied person should earn his own keep and the keep of those dependant upon him/her.
2) Give up the age, class, race and gender dissension you trumpeted and applauded above.
3) get our priorities together.first, the common defense. This morning's news.. China will have a nuclear sub fleet in two years, this morning China announced a new "stealth" fighter. Russian subs are patrolling all our coastlines.. obama want sto cut our defenses to pre WW1 levels.. Pres Reagan said; "No nation was ever attacked because they were too strong"..
4) Face "global warming" as a yet unproven theory, continue to study ..but don't destroy our economy and way of life for it...especially when the world's worst polluters are laughing at us. How much pressure have Al gore and Obama put on Russia, China & India to cut their polluting?
5) Stop generating dissension between tyhe races, genders, ages, etc..that is almost always a practice of the left.
6) Business should start to be more forthright in offering profit sharing and other employee participation plans. It would make a more diligent and self-policing labor force. These practices could eliminate the need for certain continually troublesome unions.
7) Somehow, Americans must get back a shared set of values...we did have a shared set of values until about the 1960s..but then academia and the easily led students discarded the judeo=christian value system. they then took uo an "if it feeld good, do it" philosophy..which is absent of any moral compass.
There are & points, not hard to achieve..but we have to believe in America to implement them. Sadly though, I believe too many now have no idea of what altruism means and are "only in it for what they can get out of it"..