The Stars and Stripes may not mean much to you and thats your Right, Thanks to The United States of America. You also have the right to worship Jesus if you choose, another Right of Ours.
You may also have Jesus in your Heart and Sole but after you Try to complete what you speak of and create what you will, I dont believe Jesus will even save you .
I would worship Jesus anyway, just like many Roman citizens did even if that meant being fed to the
lions for the amusement of their pagan countrymen. Oh I respect and love the flag alright, but its
what that flag represents and not the cloth itself. I think what our fellow members are trying to say
here is. That they are not going to stand by and watch as our flag is used for what it is now being
used for. And that is for a government under siege by radicals to wave it in our face and expect
blind obedience out of us. Anyone can take a crucifix and wave it around saying they represent
Jesus, and most of the time that has worked. But in both cases that is not how the cow ate the cabbage. Our forefathers saw this freedom from tyrrany as a frame of mind long before this country
ever even had a flag. We have lots of cowboys wearing nice hats with big silver belt buckles running around out here. And some women swoon over that, but others say the hat does not make the man.
As in all cases, you will be judged on deeds and not by words or symbols. Like I said, old glory is now
under siege not for what she is but what she is supposed to represent. And that has to come from
each and everyone of us by conviction. In all truths we are given the rights and the tools to
lift that siege. Not only by our forefathers but by God himself, the free will to shape ones destiny.
It is our responsibly to take back that flag and not allow it to be used like it is now. But by doing
that we are taking back who we are, if we fail to do that then the flag becomes what it is and that
alone. Those who have us under siege have already shown their willingness to crush that by wanting
to place thier image on that flag. Or have his face carved into Mt. Rushmore.
Then maybie that would then get our attention, and we would walk the walk instead of talking the