Sheila, First let me say that there are "somethings" I don't think a women should do. Not because they can't, but for safety reasons. I don't think women should go into "combat". I'm not sure that a women prison guard is a good idea either. The woman prison guard that was taken hostage in Arizona was sexually assaulted, thats where I'm going with this. Just like Jessica Lynch. Its bad enough that kind of thing happens when your minding your own business in your home,work walking down the street, let alone putting yourself in a bad situation to begin with.
Now as far as being a police officer, teacher, doctor, a CEO of a large company, a shooting instructor, belonging to a "sportsmans club or just about anything else, I think that great. I take my wife bowling and she kicks the snot out of me. Oh well thats life. Theres thing she does better then me and theres thing I do better then her. Did I say that life! It doesn't bother me one bit. She doesn't shoot that much but if she ever shot better then me I guess that would be one more thing she would better then me. My friend's wife is a State Trooper and she'll out shoot most men I know hands down, she's the nicest lady you'll ever meet.
I totally respect anyone that disaree's with my opinion on this.