Author Topic: I agree fully with this about you?  (Read 364 times)

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Offline ironglow

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I agree fully with this about you?
« on: December 27, 2012, 01:57:42 AM »
  This one man who knew better..has singlehandedly, aided greatly in destroying our country...
  What say you?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: I agree fully with this about you?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2012, 02:31:28 AM »
That was an excellent article.  Roberts is indeed a traitor.  the founding fathers have been spinning in their graves for several years and will only pick up speed in the coming years.  the way they worded the 2nd amendment tells us that the revolution might need to be repeated.  but there's not enough patriots left to get the job done.  my daughter may live in a communist country.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: I agree fully with this about you?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 01:09:33 AM »
  New endorsement for Roberts..
  has brand-new Benedict Arnold'People deserve better than this. And that's the bottom  line'Published: 3 days ago author-imagebyChelsea  SchillingEmail                                      | Archiverss feed  Subscribe to feedLess ↑ U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John  RobertsHe single-handedly delivered the swing vote to approve Obamacare and perhaps  even crushed the American health system that has been the envy of the world.
WND has selected U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. for its  first-ever Benedict Arnold Award.
“There are lots of bad guys out there who would qualify as ‘Villain of the  Year,’ but precious few candidates for the ‘Benedict Arnold Award,’” explained  WND Vice President and Managing Editor David Kupelian. “Benedict Arnold, after  all, was a good guy; he was an American general in the Revolutionary War who  fought valiantly on behalf of the Continental Army – that is, until, for reasons  yet unknown, he defected to the British side and betrayed the cause he had  formerly served.”
Kupelian added, “That pretty much describes Justice Roberts, who gained the  enthusiastic support of conservatives and other Constitution-lovers by virtue of  his earlier rulings and judicial temperament, and yet betrayed that trust in a  devastating way. And we still don’t know why he did it.”Benedict ArnoldOn June 28, 2012, Roberts joined the left of the Court in a dramatic 5-4  decision to uphold President Obama’s signature legislation. The Court ruled that  Obamacare’s individual mandate is not constitutional under the Constitution’s  Commerce Clause, but is reasonably considered a tax valid under Congress’ authority to “lay and collect taxes.”
“The Affordable Care Act is constitutional in part and unconstitutional in  part. The individual mandate cannot be upheld as an exercise of Congress’s power  under the Commerce Clause,” Roberts wrote. “That Clause authorizes Congress to  regulate interstate commerce, not to order individuals to engage it. In this  case, however, it is reasonable to construe what Congress has done as increasing  taxes on those who have a certain amount of income, but choose to go without  health insurance. Such legislation is within Congress’s power to tax.”
As a result of that decision, the penalties Americans are required to pay  under Obamacare for going without health insurance were declared constitutional,  and it all hinged on Roberts’ assertion that the assessments are taxes.
The court’s four left-leaning justices – Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader  Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor – sided with Roberts, who was  appointed to the court by President George W. Bush.
Justices Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas  dissented.U.S. Supreme Court justicesJustice Scalia, joined by the three justices in dissent, wrote that the  ruling gives Congress nearly unlimited authority to control the lives of  Americans.
“Whatever may be the conceptual limits upon the Commerce Clause and upon the  power to tax and spend, they cannot be such as will enable the Federal  Government to regulate all private conduct and to compel the states to function  as administrators of federal programs,” he wrote.Michael SavageThe dissenting justices said that in addition to the mandate, they would have  struck down the rest of the law, because it could not be sustained without  forcing Americans to buy insurance.
Upon hearing news of Robert’s decision, talk-radio host Michael Savage  compared the chief justice to the traitor during the American Revolution,  calling him a “turncoat” and declaring, “Justice Roberts is a sellout.  Period.”
Likewise, talk-radio host Mark Levin called for term limits for Supreme Court  justices.
“If justices want to be political,” said Levin, “then they shouldn’t serve  for life, because the American people deserve better than this. And that’s the  bottom line. … The fact of the matter is we, the American people, deserve public  officials – whether they’re elected or appointed to serve for life or for  limited terms – who are going to uphold our institutions. And if not going to do  it, there’s 312 million Americans – we’ll find some who can.”

Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh said Roberts’ decision was “appalling” and “disgraceful,” and he called Justice Roberts “a creature of the Washington  establishment, a creature of the notion that government is the center of the  universe.”
“The Supreme Court, a majority of the Supreme Court, found Obamacare  unconstitutional.  They found the mandate unconstitutional,” Limbaugh said. “The chief justice, John Roberts, kicked into activist mode and found a way  around that. …  I think he did what he wanted to do.  He has  sided with the liberal justices more often than not in previous decisions.   I just throw that out as a statistic, not as evidence.  I think he’s  building a legacy.  This is what he wanted to happen.  He found a way  for it to happen.  And so now, folks, it’s game on.”
In his WND column, “John  Roberts’ move to the dark side,” former five-term congressman and  presidential candidate Tom Tancredo declared, “Sadly, when the dust settles and  all the arguments are considered, there is only one conclusion to be reached:  Roberts surrendered constitutional standards in favor of the cultural standards  of the nation’s power elite.Ted NugentHe added, “The lesson here is sobering, indeed alarming, for citizens who  revere the Constitution and look to the Supreme Court as the ultimate safeguard  against unchecked government power. That bulwark has never been perfect, but now  it is in tatters.”
Outspoken  rock-and-roll star Ted Nugent let loose a tirade against Justice Roberts and  his deciding vote on Obamacare.
Nugent wrote in a Washington Post column: “Quite possible,  with his vote, Chief Justice Roberts didn’t give Fedzilla an even bigger shovel,  he gave Fedzilla an earth mover with which to dig bigger financial holes.”
Nugent offered President Obama some sage advice:
“The president should have Chief Justice Roberts over for dinner, give him a  ride on Air Force One and apologize for not voting for him during his  confirmation hearings.
“It’s the least the community-organizer in chief can do for the turncoat  chief justice who saved the president’s socialist health care program.”
He offered the president some words of caution regarding judges in general,  spoken by his own father some 50 years ago:
“With Chief Justice Roberts’ vote to save Obamacare, I was reminded of what  my dad told me more than 50 years ago: Never trust a man who wears a black robe.  He might be naked under there.”
  Sometimes even Roberts does the right thing..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Victor3

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Re: I agree fully with this about you?
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 02:00:37 AM »
 I don't know that it's the case here but there have been countless egocentrics throughout history who've simply wanted to secure a place for themselves in the history books. Be it a claim to fame or infamy, some don't care how they obtain it.

 Had Roberts voted the other way, he might have ended up like the majority of Supreme Court Justices; nothing but a footnote who's name nobody will remember. Whatever happens (good OR bad) due to his decision in the future, he's going to be remembered for it. A 'win-win' for him I suppose...
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Sherlock Holmes