Author Topic: Here is a Facebook convo between me and a friend. "Liberties"  (Read 227 times)

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Here is a Facebook convo between me and a friend. "Liberties"
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:00:39 AM »
He is a State Trooper here in Oklahoma and from what I know he did not vote for Obama.  What do you think of the conversation?  Is there anything that can be said?  It's like trying to prove to an Atheist that God exists.  Some arguments can't be won by either side.  I agree with him that we still live in the best country ever.  I will always believe that we do lose liberties daily.  Those losses just do not affect some.


The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life.
An instance of this; a right or privilege, esp. a statutory one.
Like · · Promote · 17 hours ago ·

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     Society is ever evolving. We lose ground, we gain ground. As I look around and compare my situation with those from other countries, even neighboring countries, I feel pretty darn fortunate.

    I will not bury my head in the sand. I will not go quietly into the night.
    BUT I refuse to look at a small amount of societal change as oppression. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

    Free to exercise my choice of religions. Free to say pretty much what I want. Free to have a gun under my pillow to protect my family. Free to work hard and make a good living. Free to love, learn, or fight.

    No one said it would be easy. No one said there wouldn't be bumps in the road, but in the end I cannot honestly look at my personal situation and complain about one single thing. It's all what I make it.

    I've lost nothing.
    16 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]JerCrystal Shelley Yes sir, but we are measured together. I lose if you do! Even if nothing has been taken from my hands. Not everyone cares if I lose one thing I love. There lies the problem.
    15 hours ago · Edited · Like[/b]
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     The worst lost liberty you can come up with is the lost ability to fight two chickens to death in a bloody battle. Wasn't that voted down "by the people," years ago. If that's the worse thing that has happened to you in this country then God Bless America.
    15 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]JerCrystal Shelley Here is my response to your opinion of my loss. Do you care that something is important to me? No matter how little you think of it? That is my point. Everything can't be judged by one as to whether it is a liberty or not.
    15 hours ago · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]JerCrystal ShelleyHank Jenks. Your feelings about my cockfighting liberty is the same as someone who looks down on deer hunting. Would you feel the way you do today if it was deer hunting you were defending. Some people see that as stupid and brutal. In a way it is. I can see how they might think that. Anti- Hunters would laugh and say you did not lose something you needed, and that is not a liberty lost. We would beg to differ. What is important? Is it the same for all of us?
    14 hours ago · Like[/b]
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     Saying that I think we live in a great country is not saying I don't care. Here's the bottom line. There is no country where all people are happy all of the time. No matter what we do there is someone out there who will disagree. In this case, cockfighting was voted on by a large majority to be found illegal. Doesn't mean I agree or that I'm not sympathetic with your position. It is what it is though, found illegal by the majority of the voting public. We live in a democracy, and in this case you have to agree that the system worked, even though u were the loser.... If hunting is next, then all I can do is voice my opinion, stand by my position, and hope the system works

    How did we get to this argument anyway. Lets quit while we're ahead. I don't want my fences cut. Love u and good night .
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]Will Shelley Ha where's the popcorn! Good stuff right here. Love u guys!
    13 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]JerCrystal Shelley Sorry guys, just got in. Had to run across the road fer a minute! Cold out there!
    13 hours ago · Edited · Like[/b]
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     Lov u too will. You think old edurd and Clinton had any philosophical discussions while they were building houses together back in the day. Probably not lol. They probably just talked about where the fish were biting
    13 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
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     And I've got a game camera up on my western wall!! It will look like an episode of finding Bigfoot. Some dark, grainy character running up and cutting my fences.
    13 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
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     And Will I don't want to get the monster going I started yesterday but I didn't answer your question about Diane feinsteins bill. I think that new legislation is unavoidable...bottom line. If you could imagine being the president and standing in front of 20 mamas who had just buried their 6-7 year olds and not offering up some kind of fix. I don't agree with it all, but it's coming and the only thing to blame is freedom. We live in a country where we have too many freedoms to control all of the nuts. That Lanza cat would have been institutionalized or euthanized a long time ago had he been born in China or Iran. But so would have thousands of others simply because of their religion or their speech or the way the comb their hair. Freedom has a price, and sometimes it's paid with the blood of innocent people.
    13 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
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    I love me some talk time with the Shelley boys but I'm your elder and have to have my sleep. Night night.
    13 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]JerCrystal Shelley Something will be done and I could not argue with some of it. Where is Freakin Uncle Ted?!!!!!! He's a legit dude. Sane cat there. Hey, you're just 5 years older than me!
    13 hours ago · Edited · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]Will Shelley Yeah i would have to agree with some of it also. Just worry that it will never end. This will be the start of a major snowball. Pretty scary really.
    12 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
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     Don't be crabby crabby crabby!!!
    12 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
  • [/b][/size][/font]Will Shelley Lol! Thought we were all going to bed 1 hr ago. Lets put the computer down and Start again tomorrow.
    12 hours ago via mobile · Like[/b]
Thanks, Jer