Sounds like a really good start Randy... one that opens up a lot of possibilities for you. If it were me I'd build on it from the first hunt.
I never had any problem getting more private property than I could hunt all my life, nor an annual ADC contract for each of them that was automatically renewed each year. The predator/varmint hunters best advertising is earned word of mouth, and in a locality can net you every farm/ranch in an area and their land leases. Also makes them available to you for all your other hunting/fishing, etc most of the time. I never charged a LO anything for the service, never crossed any lines drawn in the sand by them, saved them lost money in stock, crops, poison costs with its collateral damage, and was charged nothing for the use of any private land ever. I had business cards and very simple contracts I printed myself signed by the LO, they were always good enough if anybody ever questioned my being there day or night, and a very solid foot in the door with any new LO I approached myself. I'd get one in an area and then knock of the door of all others, and usually get all of them if they didn't already have hired help for it. Even some of those I replaced the hired help at when the word got around at the local coop, etc. Earn it with unquestionable responsibility, reliability and honesty and you'll never want for a place to hunt again unless you move far away (like I did a few times and had to start over).