Well I can tell you a lot of people do not vote straight ticket, I have a feeling a lot of people did not vote for either Obama or Romney and concentrated on congress and local level government. I'm not kidding, a lot of people did this. Take my word for it. I heard the comment earlier that the reason the reps picked Romney was because a conservative could not win so they have to run a moderate...guess what, after two elections you would think they would get smart, a moderate can't win conservative votes, or the liberal conservative votes (yes there are a few left yet)...or the constitutional minded people...in short, you can't pick up conservative votes from anyone but a conservative.
So back to the gun control thing....you have had a congress in place that is as left wing as you can get for some time now not only in spending but in taking your basic rights away in all areas. No matter who the president is, or could have been...it would not matter. And the left does not debate anyway...so what debate? Your going to have people who know nothing about firearms and don't use them, making laws about firearms, while they are surrounded by people who protect them with semi auto high cap weapons....that is really what you have here, and there is only a couple ways I can think of to stop them. My first choice would be to vote them out, the other choice is getting too close for comfort. There are not a lot of choices.