Author Topic: GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems like good place!  (Read 526 times)

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Offline handgunhuntr

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GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems like good place!
« on: February 17, 2004, 04:41:08 PM »
OK...I need everyones help in Pennsylvania.  I enjoy shooting my T/C cannons as much as everone else.  I have contacted the PA Game Commission several times with this matter and get no response.  After serving most of my adult life in the military, and moving back home to PA, I find that I live and hunt in a "Special Regulation Area" and handgun hunting small game is permitted.... BUT.....handguning for deer is not legal.  What I am asking is that hunters bombard the game commission (as I have been doing for a year) for them to amend the game laws to allow handgun hunting in the special areas.  My view is that they allow any type of muzzleloader to be used as well as shotgun slugs (all of which are as capable to travel up to 200 yrds as my Contender or Encore chamberings) why not allow handguns?  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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Offline handgunhuntr

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GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems l
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 02:15:53 AM »
Thanks Chris, I will do just that :)
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Offline RIchard J. Schneider

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GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems l
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2004, 11:26:21 AM »
I have some friends that are DWCO's and WCO's and I asked the same question. I was told that you could use a handgun but it could not be in a rifle caliber. Pretty much the same as I hear the Illinois law is, straight wall case. The problem with the P. G. C. regulstions are who interprets it and how. I never persued this any further.

Offline Gregory

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GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems l
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2004, 12:15:00 PM »
Quote from: RIchard J. Schneider
I have some friends that are DWCO's and WCO's and I asked the same question. I was told that you could use a handgun but it could not be in a rifle caliber. Pretty much the same as I hear the Illinois law is, straight wall case. The problem with the P. G. C. regulstions are who interprets it and how. I never persued this any further.

Here in Illinois we have a 30 cal min. for handguns and can use any straight walled cartrige or a bottlenecked cartrige with a case length of 1.4" max.  Up until the 2003 season we could only use handguns in a special January antlerless season.  Now hanguns are legal, as well as shotguns, and muzzleloaders in the general firearms season and next year the January season will be open to any legal firearm.

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Offline handgunhuntr

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GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems l
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2004, 03:15:13 AM »
In the State Game Regulations book they give you with your license, it specifically states the firearms permitted in the special regulation areas for deer....Handguns are not listed, it only lists muzzleloading long guns, shotguns, bow, crossbow.  Handguns are listed in all other areas of the state except special regulation areas.  Hopefully we can get enough people to flood them so the next revision in the spring will include our plea.  I just want to thank everyone who has or will be sending letters or e-mail to help this cause.

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Offline rickyp

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GB, Not sure where to put this, but seems l
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2004, 06:42:40 AM »
handgunhuntr I can understand how you feel. I Live in southern Maryland. and you can not use handguns to hunt deer in the counties around me however if i go to Western or eastern Maryland I can. I have written several letters a year to DNR with almost the same response I have gone to the meetings and done almost everything I could. One day I was talking with an DNR officer about it and he showed me that I could in-fact use a muzzle loading handgun around me for now this is my only option and as i continue writing and talking with every one I can.

I have gotten very little help with this from other hunters that i have talked to

Good luck and keep trying

Offline billjoe

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Handgun hunting
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2004, 07:34:52 AM »
I feel for your plight.  If you get to the point of going out of state so you can use your handgun, Wisconsin allows any handgun for deer and out-of-state fees are reasonable at $135.  Deer are plentiful and if you get into the right areas, land owners will give you extra tags to use.

Good luck with the DNR.
