short handled spade shovels do not float, however.
when my wife lost her balance while digging a mock slide from above on the bank, she lost her balance and went in. I was about 40 or so feet away putting in another set when I heard her yell. I looked over just in time to see the spade making a flying arc across the sky and into the creek...she must have tossed it as she went in. I ran over and looked over the edge of the bank, and there she was. All I could see of her was her face at the water line and her two hands clinging onto a root snarl coming out of the bank. I reached down and hauled her up out of the muddy water. We walked back across a corn stubble field into the teeth of a pretty stiff wind and freezing rain. I made a beeline for her folk's place about 2 miles away, and she spent the rest of the afternoon in a hot bath.
I went back out to retrieve my pack, traps, and whatever else we left along the bank.
spades do not float.