Author Topic: Chris Christie Tears Into Boehner For Delaying Sandy Aid: ‘This Was The Speaker’  (Read 4046 times)

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Everything and every situation is always used to buy votes for politicians. When politicians spend our money its to further their career, and for their best interests, under the disguise of helping people. Its one of the big reasons our debt is similar to Christe's waistline.

The idea that "if the government doesn't do it, how is it going to get done" is another big reason why we are debt that we will never get out of. When there is a flood, hurricane, tornado, etc.. to many people now just stand idol and ask where FEMA is, or where their government help is. People used to help themselves with the aide of other people. Now they just sit on their porch and ask where the government is. If the roof got blown off my home or it got flooded I certainly would not call my representative and ash him when I'm getting my home fixed.

This is now the mentality of people. Every time the wind blows, people expect a line of fat politicians to come running with taxpayer money in their hand, saying "look we can help you, all you have to do is vote for me". 
Then of coarse those same people yell, kick, and scream for the productive people to pay more taxes. Then of coarse the fat politicians are happy to do that, because its more money they can spend with the intent of buying more votes, and increase the size of their waistline.
So I guess the idea is if your roof blows off your house, sit on your porch, wait for the tax payers to come fix it, then lobby government to make rich people pay more. This whole screwed up system is going to implode on itself. Its just a matter of time. As long as there are productive people, and fat politicians, life is good. Right?             
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline ironglow

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      Now you know that is just too much truth for some to take..all in one post!  ;) ;D ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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John Stewart takes a humorous (and not so humorous ) look at the Pork and so called principled ideology from our congressional leaders
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Before everyone gets on the "they are just sitting around waiting for the government to clean up their mess instead of doing it themselves like you all would" kick think of the situation difference. Large areas of major cities were affected, many large low income areas. These people live in town houses and apartments. They do not have the money nor the reason in everyday life to have equipment and tools to clean up this mess themselves, this is why at least some government help is needed. Even if the people could move all the debris to the curbs how are they going to get it transported from there?
Out in a rural farming community where I live due to the nature of the farming business most of the neighbors are going to have all kind of tools and all kinds of heavy equipment such as tractors with blades and buckets, Bobcats, trucks, etc. Much easier to help yourselves when you have what you need to do it with.

Offline scootrd

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I commend Christie ... He was doin what he was elected to do. GOVERN. If a republican cannot point out miss-steps and hypocracies of it's own party to force positive changes, then they deserve to become irrelevant by 2014, 2016.

Can you believe a legislator voted no on Sandy, but had the Audacity to request more funds for Katrina?.

The Army Corps of Engineers asked for $27 million to strengthen New Orleans' levees "before Katrina", so they might not break, but Congress gave it just a fraction of that. The wise politicians had other priorities they thought were more deserving of our tax dollars. Like what? Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, got $50 million for an indoor rainforest in his state. Anyone remember the $200 million bridge to nowhere ? I could go on , but why bother. I'm sure in just a few moments the I'm rubber your glue folks will chime in and just point the finger the other way.

Pork is systemic across all parties. legislators should worry about cleaning up their own parties backyard before trying to take BS principled holier than thou stands, especially  why folks are freezing in the middle of a NE winter.

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline ironglow

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  You libbies are a hoot!  Are you going to draft Christie in 2014 ?  Shucks no!    ....and th econservatives have decided he is a low-life liberal wolf in sheep's clothing, a political where is this" rising star"..Going to rise from? ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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I've been givin the title to this thread a lot of thought, and I just can't get the visual. I could see Chris aka "Fat Boy" Christi tearing into an ice cream sundae, or perhaps a pizza, but not Boehner. I could however, see Chris aka "Fat Boy" Christi "waddling up to Boehner", or "waddling along behind Boehner" tryin to keep up. JMOYU :)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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I've been givin the title to this thread a lot of thought, and I just can't get the visual. I could see Chris aka "Fat Boy" Christi tearing into an ice cream sundae, or perhaps a pizza, but not Boehner. I could however, see Chris aka "Fat Boy" Christi "waddling up to Boehner", or "waddling along behind Boehner" tryin to keep up. JMOYU :)
    :D :D :D :D   Politically, it would be expedient if Christi were to lose about 150 lbs.  After all, self control and personal responsibility are hallmarks of conservatives..somehow, he doesn't fit the pattern.
   The way he's behaving recently, he wouldn't even be qualified to trail along behind Boehner..
          Perhaps he can pair up with "Brains" Biden and  make the first two of a trio.       Then Barney Frank can play the part of  Moe.. ;) :D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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twiddle dee and twiddle dumb
christi   and biden
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline ironglow

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Some of our resident liberals have opined that Benedict Christie has a bright political future.  Well, he only has that if the Democ-rats plan to draft him.
   He has turned traitor to another part of the conservative constituancy..he praises Obama and condemns the NRA and by inference, article 2 of the Bill of Rights.,0,1052799.story
  As I said;  "put a fork in him..he's all done".. ;) ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline guzzijohn

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Guess some here don't approve of actual leadership to get the job done instead of blindly following all party lines.

Offline ironglow

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Guess some here don't approve of actual leadership to get the job done instead of blindly following all party lines.
  Unfortunately, that's exactly how we got Obama elected ...TWICE...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline scootrd

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Some of our resident liberals have opined that Benedict Christie has a bright political future.  Well, he only has that if the Democ-rats plan to draft him.
   He has turned traitor to another part of the conservative constituancy..he praises Obama and condemns the NRA and by inference, article 2 of the Bill of Rights.,0,1052799.story
  As I said;  "put a fork in him..he's all done".. ;) ;D

He hasn't turned traitor to republican party at all. His poll numbers among both MAINSTREAM republicans and even crossover democrats are very high. The only ones who consider him a traitor and ready to throw him under a bus are the far right minority republicans.

He is an effective Republican governor who is actually Governing!! unlike congressional extremist republicans who would rather just obstruct and throw our economy under a bus and to hell with the American public than to actually do their job which is legislate.


Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline ironglow

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Yeah; well he opposed Boehner for fighting the $33 billion on pork..which was in a $60 billion piece of greed filled legislation.
 He condemns the NRA for protecting the 2nd amendment..
    Knowing that  no school is protected from or immune to, an attack by an idiot..He stille gets irate at the NRA for pointing out that B Hussein's kids have 12 armed guards while he refuses even a pea shooter for the protection of the children of all the rest of "peon" America.
   If you lefties want him..take him!  Honest American parents/gun owners have no use for him.  Speaking politically, "Put a fork in him..he's all done."
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mikey

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"So what was Chris Christie suppose to do for his state and constituency by your rule book? How would IG handle  the aftermath of a mega storm in his state.?"
Hey - it ain't his rule book, it is THE rule book.  THE rule book seys that you have to specify what it is you willneed to recover, not what your damn game playing ideas think you should get. 
Don't know where you're from or how much local government action you really pay attention to but here's the scoop - if you want something from someone who has what you need, and you are from ny or nj, you do not simply get it by opening your fat pork filled yap whenever you want to - you damn well gotta detail some of your requests. 
Here's a example - fat boy wants the power grids back up and running to restore power to the people.  Some nj schmuck tells him it will cost 5 billion to get it done (but fails to tell him that it isn't all state $ that it will cost, maybe only 100 million from the state); fat boys wants the roads cleaned and made passable for traffic to recommence and some nj politician tells him it will cost 5 more billion to get it done, but doesn't tell him that 75% is federal $ that the feds will do themselves; fat boy wants all the pizza shops on the boardwalk restored at a cost of $100 million, so say the politicos, but don't tell him that the personal insurance the business had to have to operate on the boardwalk will cover $93 million of that. 
So what does that leave in pork for the fat boy - let's see, 4.9 billion, plus 3.75 billion, plus 93 million, plus whatever and geez, looky looky, almost 8 billion that is not needed from direct federal input. 
I guess what you don't know is how many times the feds have literally been screwed out of billions of $ for waste from slick talkin' fat boys like christe, that come from our wallets.  And for this you blame boehner - take a walk and smarten up.

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Yeah; well he opposed Boehner for fighting the $33 billion on pork..which was in a $60 billion piece of greed filled legislation.
 He condemns the NRA for protecting the 2nd amendment..
    Knowing that  no school is protected from or immune to, an attack by an idiot..He stille gets irate at the NRA for pointing out that B Hussein's kids have 12 armed guards while he refuses even a pea shooter for the protection of the children of all the rest of "peon" America.
   If you lefties want him..take him!  Honest American parents/gun owners have no use for him.  Speaking politically, "Put a fork in him..he's all done."

IG , Say what you want , but your in the minority. The Republican party better take note , wake up , and go through some party self reflection. The tea party's favor ability ratings are  tanking , now only about 8% describe themselves as a tea party person. Boehner's favor ability rating among likely voters is around 31% GOP'S overall favor ability rating is around 30%. Tea party folks continue to throw The Chris Christie , and Colin Powell types under the bus , Yet among the majority of Likely voters  their ratings poll very high. Why  -  COMPROMISE.

To effectively govern , to effectively legislate , you need compromise . A strong two party system (someday possibly three) is important for the debate and discourse of this country, however at the end of the day the parties need to find ways to work together and compromise.  America is growing weary of the PARTY WITHIN THE PARTY that act like children , are only willing to obstruct , stamp their feet and take their little pails and shovels down the beach because they don't play with others.  Now these far right folks in the party have managed to even Piss off wall street Business leaders with they way they acted over the fiscal cliff.

If GOP does not go through serious self reflection with regards to their policies, They will continue to shrink , alienate majority of mainstream Republicans and become Irrelevant in the future.


Others miliage may vary

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline ironglow

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Yeah; well he opposed Boehner for fighting the $33 billion on pork..which was in a $60 billion piece of greed filled legislation.
 He condemns the NRA for protecting the 2nd amendment..
    Knowing that  no school is protected from or immune to, an attack by an idiot..He stille gets irate at the NRA for pointing out that B Hussein's kids have 12 armed guards while he refuses even a pea shooter for the protection of the children of all the rest of "peon" America.
   If you lefties want him..take him!  Honest American parents/gun owners have no use for him.  Speaking politically, "Put a fork in him..he's all done."

IG , Say what you want , but your in the minority. The Republican party better take note , wake up , and go through some party self reflection. The tea party's favor ability ratings are  tanking , now only about 8% describe themselves as a tea party person. Boehner's favor ability rating among likely voters is around 31% GOP'S overall favor ability rating is around 30%. Tea party folks continue to throw The Chris Christie , and Colin Powell types under the bus Like the Dems didto Joe Lieberman? , Yet among the majority of Likely voters  their ratings poll very high. Why  -  COMPROMISE.
   Popularity in the polls is relatively easy...just do all the low information voters all kinds of "goodie' whether it is honest , constitutional or not..your poll numbers will go up.  Never concern yourself with doing what is RIGHT..only what is expedient and will get you the votes from the stupid ones.

To effectively govern , to effectively legislate , you need compromise .Yes; do you mean in the same way Obam & Pelosi "compromised" on Obamacare and 2nd amendment demolition? A strong two party system (someday possibly three) is important for the debate and discourse of this country, however at the end of the day the parties need to find ways to work together and compromise. Uh-huh, do as B Hussein does, pitting the poor against the rich, women vs men, black vs white, obama supporters vs "bitter clingers", OWS vs investors, gay vs normal, antis vs gun owners, takers vs makers, enviro-whackos vs business, fence-jumpers vs legal imigrants...and a hundred other categories he could exploit!  America is growing weary of the PARTY WITHIN THE PARTY that act like children , are only willing to obstruct , stamp their feet and take their little pails and shovels down the beach because they don't play with others. You must mean the way Obama & Co acted when half the congress tried to have a part in the Obamacare takeover..but were locked out!  Or perhaps when the NRA wanted to discuss Obama's "gun control" measures, or how he "compromised" with the oil companies when he shut down drilling in our gulf waters or helped Americans to energy & jobs with the Keystone pipeleins... 
  Perhaps it was the "compromises" he worked out with religious institutions and businesses when they didn't want to finance infanticide under Obamacare..  SIEG HEIL!
  Now these far right folks in the party have managed to even Piss off wall street Business leaders with they way they acted over the fiscal cliff. The only fiscal cliff was one of Obama's wouldn't have occured, had he and his minions been able to obey the law..and submit a budget for each of the preceeding years! 
   The unemployment the day Obama took the oath 4 years ago was 7.8%...Today, after 4 full years, it is STILL 7.8%..that spells FAILURE in anyone's book!

If GOP does not go through serious self reflection with regards to their policies, They will continue to shrink , alienate majority of mainstream Republicans and become Irrelevant in the future.


Others miliage may vary

Semper Fi
  Perhaps you didn't notice, but the Dems have gotten a lot of free votes by promoting not what is "right"..but what was "expedient" to get votes!
 For instance;
  1) Do you really believe fence jumpers should get preference over somebody from Japan, Sri Lanka, Poland, Greece or Russia..who has been lawfully trying to immigrate for perhaps a decade?
2) Do you really believe that so many folks who are too lazy to earn their own...should have an I-phone at our expense? ..
3) Obama forces through a "healthcare" law that almost nobody wants; should congress, the prez & veep and muslims be excused from being forced to participate?
 4) Many people of faith Muslims, Catholics & most Christians do not agree withe the abortion holocaust..they don't like infanticide.   Should Catholics and Evangelicals be forced by law to support this killing, while muslims are left "off the hook"?
    You see, no matter how it could boost them in the polls or gain votes among the unthinking..most conservatives are committed in doing what is RIGHT, rather than what will just get them more votes..
  I would rather anyone I vote for would be committed to what is RIGHT & HONEST...rather than to be just a "vote pimp"..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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    You see, no matter how it could boost them in the polls or gain votes among the unthinking..most conservatives are committed in doing what is RIGHT, rather than what will just get them more votes..

I have no doubt most conservatives are committed in doing what is RIGHT. (IN THEIR OPINIONS).

Just as I have no doubt most Progressives , Independents , democrats , etc..etc.. etc.. are committed in doing what is RIGHT IN THEIR OPINIONS AS WELL.

But here is the crux,
At the end of the day if one's opinions are not the majority , if a party has a faction within that is so rigid to compromise, so rigid it becomes viewed as obstructionism,  Then that fractured party will not endure, become irrelevant in political discourse. . Somewhere along the way the term Moderate became an ugly term , and when it did I walked away.

I am of the belief We are a majority of moderate peoples in this land. Far left liberalism , and far right conservatism extremes will never be mainstream (if those are the correct buzz terms) . I believe the majority fall somewhere in the middle and that is why the Colin Powell's and Chris Christe's of the world appeal to them.  legislators who are willing to reach Compromise and  help move country and state forward rather than be locked in endless ideological stagnation will always win the day in the end.

Like I said people are growing weary of a stagnated Govt.

Like I said JMHO , your opinion obviously varies .

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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    You see, no matter how it could boost them in the polls or gain votes among the unthinking..most conservatives are committed in doing what is RIGHT, rather than what will just get them more votes..

I have no doubt most conservatives are committed in doing what is RIGHT. (IN THEIR OPINIONS).

Just as I have no doubt most Progressives , Independents , democrats , etc..etc.. etc.. are committed in doing what is RIGHT IN THEIR OPINIONS AS WELL.

But here is the crux,
At the end of the day if one's opinions are not the majority , if a party has a faction within that is so rigid to compromise, so rigid it becomes viewed as obstructionism,  Then that fractured party will not endure, become irrelevant in political discourse. . Somewhere along the way the term Moderate became an ugly term , and when it did I walked away.

I am of the belief We are a majority of moderate peoples in this land. Far left liberalism , and far right conservatism extremes will never be mainstream (if those are the correct buzz terms) . I believe the majority fall somewhere in the middle and that is why the Colin Powell's and Chris Christe's of the world appeal to them.  legislators who are willing to reach Compromise and  help move country and state forward rather than be locked in endless ideological stagnation will always win the day in the end.

Like I said people are growing weary of a stagnated Govt.

Like I said JMHO , your opinion obviously varies .

Semper Fi
   I gave you 4 examples among many, where the liberals have "sold out" honesty and our constitution...just to get votes.  I guess we could have opposite opinions; if you think those kind of stunts are honest actions.  Here again we may well differ, I want to live in an honorable country.  If a country has no more integrity than some Chicago mafia gang, why try to save it?  If that's all we can aspire to..let it flop!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)