When you talk to folks that do this stuff for a living you can really get some good insight into your own thoughts.
Talked today with Bob Coogan/Cogan at Accurate Plateing today.
Good guy and he was anxious to get to the deer stand--but we---well he talked--and I listened.
We were discussing the M28 project. I asked about doin a snub job on it---then came diatrib on the process----I had already listened to his diatrib on the evils of bright chrome---and the pitfalls.
His position was that you could barely do a decent snubby on a 5" and preferred 6 inchers. This is due to removing the sight and having enough barrel to cut down without getting into the lug. So much for the bright Chrome and Snubby on the 4 incher.
I enjoy this process so much.