Well, kinda lost interest after the said the "Dodge City Peace Commission" was legitamate and respected Law enforcement body.....it was Luke Short, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and friends and they came to Dodge to help Luke get back into the Longhorn after being run out by reformers who were backed by a corupt local government.
Also, he referenced Curly Bill's shooting of Fred White and said a judge turned him loose....he makes no mention of White's staement that the shooting was an accident...was it, I don't know, but with a dying declaration the judge wiould have had little choice in the matter as a jury wouldn't have convicted....he goes on to use the fact that Curly Bill "collected" taxes....he makes no mention of the crooked sheriff, Behan, who was likely in cahoots with the outlaws and rustlers of Cochise County, Arizona Territory.....Stilwell was one of Behan's deputies and was certainly not a pillar of law enforcement.
Lost interst after that, didn't read on about Hickok and Tutt....I have a problem with scholarly works that skew the facts to prove a point....he has his references, but if you read through some of them you'll get a much different outlook.
No, I don't think too highly of this piece of work.....maybe if I read it all the way through, but from what I read, it's not very complete.