I think she can handel setting on my lap and shooting a 22 for a short period of time... So this summer depending on her I might give it a try
Bad father???
I don't think so...
I can remember times when my father would hold his 12 gauge and my brothers and I would take turns "shooting" it. We were small enough so that he could hold it against his shoulder while we looked down the barrel and reached around to get one little hand on the trigger, and support the forend enough to "aim" with the other. He absorbed the recoil, while we basically took care of everything else. We were shooting at stationary targets, but having a ball, and learning some safety and respect for firearms at the same time. As a kid, it was a lot of fun. As a father now, I wonder who was really having more fun?
IMHO, A 5 year old is sort of young for the sport of shooting, and I think you'll hear that from others too. In Michigan, a youngster needs to be 12 and take a hunter safety class to hunt small game with a firearm. I cringe at the thought of my 7 year old daughter with a firearm. But, at the same time, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to have her climb in my lap, look through the scope, and squeeze off a few rounds if she wanted to give it a try. Like I said before...you know your child best. The response to your question will very greatly depending on it's presentation.
Anyway, supervision is of primary importance when kids are invlolved, and you already mentioned that. Keeping it fun ("short periods of time") will keep them wanting to go back for more, and you already mentioned that. Involving kids when they think they are ready ("depending on her") is also a good thing, and you already mentioned that.
Good father!
Good luck, have fun, and most of all...be safe.