You don't give barrel length, but I'll assume at least 14" with the improved Krag case. You are in the realm of the .30-'06. The barrel length will be the limiting factor, as far as balancing velocity and powder burn rate. Since you are in Minnesota, and the whitetails get rather large, I would say 150s would be at the very bottom of the weight range. I would probably look at the 165-180gr range. Any of the plain, vanilla bullets in this weight range should work well, no flies on the Ballistic Tips, either. You will probably find your barrel will "like" some bullets better than others. Go with what shoots best. I would avoid the premium/bonded type bullets though, cause they are usually aimed at the upper ranges of the velocity spectrum. Unless you plan on game larger than whitetails, they're not necessary, anyway. A good bullet like the Hornady BTSP, or Interlock, or the Remington PSP core-loct should work just fine. Don't discount the round nosed, or flat point bullets. They are performers, at pistol ranges. A quality cast bullet in the 170-200gr range would work as well too! And be cheaper, to boot!