Author Topic: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...  (Read 837 times)

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GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« on: February 15, 2013, 06:28:20 AM »
This is the same tactic King George tried before beginning hostilites in the colonies..

GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme In Senate
by Joel McDurmon on Feb 14, 2013Gun Owners of America makes it easy for you to get involved in the CRUCIAL issue:
It’s time to talk strategy — that of the anti-gunners, and of ours, as well.
Within the next three weeks, we expect Senator Patrick Leahy’s Senate Judiciary Committee will move a national gun registry bill to the Senate floor.
The Judiciary Committee bill will probably not contain the Feinstein semi-auto gun ban, and it may or may not have a magazine ban which would render most of the nation’s guns unusable, at least for the foreseeable future.
But the Judiciary Committee bill will almost certainly ban all private sales of firearms — or any private exchange where the gun buyer does not first get permission from the FBI.  And it’s this background check requirement that will inevitably set up a framework for a universal gun registry.
The Leahy bill will most certainly have a “gun trafficking” section that is based on other legislation (S. 54) that he’s already introduced.  This would turn everyone who lives under repressive state gun laws into a federal “prohibited person,” as well.  Hence, if your state requires a license to possess a gun, you would also become a federal prohibited person.  Oh, and the Leahy bill would also send you to prison for 20 years for unknowingly selling a firearm to a marijuana user.  So, the next time you’re thinking of selling a gun, all we can say is:  “Are you felling lucky?”
Anyway, here’s Harry Reid’s strategy:  He has at least eleven Democratic senators running for reelection in pro-gun states in 2014 — and they don’t want to SEEM anti-gun. The eleven Democratic senators in pro-gun states are:  Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark Pryor (Arkansas), Mark Udall (Colorado), Mary Landrieu (Louisiana), Al Franken (Minnesota), Max Baucus (Montana), Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire), Tom Udall (New Mexico), Kay Hagan (North Carolina), Tim Johnson (South Dakota), and Mark Warner (Virginia).
All of these Democrats will vote for the national gun registry and gun licensure.  And, in exchange, Reid will allow them to vote against the Feinstein gun ban, which will be the sacrificial lamb to the more important gun control which Democrats really want.
But aside from the fact that the Democratic “non-controversial” gun control bill is, in many ways, worse than the “controversial” bills, there are two additional problems.
First, if gun control gets to the Senate floor, all bets are off.  There are dozens of horrific gun control proposals that could easily be added on the floor.
For example, a Lautenberg amendment — supposedly intended to “combat terrorism” — would allow Obama to ban guns for every gun activist in America just by putting their names on a secret “watch list.”

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 07:02:54 AM »
  More gun-grabber anti-constitutional politicians for the rouges gallery..including one of the gorgeous female Democrat politicians..
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Offline JonnyReb

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 10:40:55 AM »
  That would be a most terrifying proposal but I think I'm worn out from worrying about where the gun grab will come from. Its coming and that's that. If not this bill, then sometime after the dems retake the house will work for them just as well. We got use'd to 3.50 gas, we got use'd to double digit unemployment, we'll get use'd to obamacare and the welfare state. We'll get use'd to a disappearing middle class...drones overhead...whatever. guess we'll get used to no 2nd amendment too...
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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2013, 10:49:07 AM »
Johnny Reb. Never give up. Never Surrender. The antis are counting on us tiring of the fight. They do not. We must not.
Fight them every day, in every way you can. We must win or America is lost.
Luke 22:36-38

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Really, it only hurts when I breath - SharonAnne

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Offline JonnyReb

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2013, 11:31:02 AM »
  No fears, I'll never give up on a natural born Right nor my way of life at the whim of dictators and traitors but I'm fed-up with the countrys general acceptance and ignorance concerning the future of the republic.  I guess my post came across as rather defeated but it was typed actually with absolute spit in their eye disgust. ;)

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2013, 11:36:37 AM »
every time i see a leahy photo i
think of that " ve have vays of makink you talk".
all he needs are the lightning bolts on his collar. :(
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2013, 11:47:56 AM »
 He might not be wearing them but I'll bet their in his pocket. :)
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Offline ironglow

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2013, 01:23:49 PM »
  That would be a most terrifying proposal but I think I'm worn out from worrying about where the gun grab will come from. Its coming and that's that. If not this bill, then sometime after the dems retake the house will work for them just as well. We got use'd to 3.50 gas, we got use'd to double digit unemployment, we'll get use'd to obamacare and the welfare state. We'll get use'd to a disappearing middle class...drones overhead...whatever. guess we'll get used to no 2nd amendment too...
  If the "low information" voters keep voting in Democrat/Socialist/ Marxists... we will ALL have to get used to hearing the knock on the door at 2 AM..
   Remember "The Diary of Anne Frank"...
  I just bet this woman's old man sent her to he didn't have to see her so much..
      Whew! ..that face would stop an 8-day  clock!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2013, 01:35:14 PM »
 No doubt IG, the LIV(low infomation voter) doesn't care until it affects then directly. They are going with what appears to benefit them, at least temporarily. I can see from their limited viewpoint how obama looked so good, and to many he(obbie) has made a positive difference in their lives. The bigger picture of a national collapse of the country we've all grown up in probably would be the to-late tipping point.

 On another note, this thread beat fox news to the point, they just mentioned the AWB bill to be a lost cause politically and now their switching to a proposal for the national background check. Registration, then eventually.. the round up.  J
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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2013, 03:45:45 PM »
 It maybe time for people of conscience to refuse to comply. Refuse to turn yourself in during some foolish gun registration ploy. Refuse to just go along with "the program". We all saw what one man in So Cal stirred up when he refused to just give up. Imagine if 10% of the gun owners in America decided to no go along.

 I get what Jonny is saying, we are the frog being boiled slowly. PC socialism led by Big brother is the new normal. I fear we have reached a point of no return after the last election.

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2013, 04:33:18 PM »
point of no return, I hope not. I for one shall refuse to comply. Any such law is illegal and I for one shall say "NO".
Luke 22:36-38

Honor the American Soldier and Sailor, the source of Our Freedom

Really, it only hurts when I breath - SharonAnne

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2013, 06:48:35 AM »
     Since all the Left Liberals are out to take every gun the general public own, The heads of ALL the firearms/ammo/componets maqnufactures need to have a meeting and ALL of them agree to NOT sell any ammo/guns/ etc to any federal agency, State agency, Local law enforcement agency, only exception would be the Military and that would only be in a emergency to protect our boarders, It will take take them doing away with some profit and they will be threatened by the feds that they will sue, but they dont have to sell to any of them.  I know that their are some long term contracts to fill but if the stream just runs dry oh well.   Jim

Offline JonnyReb

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Re: GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme in Senate...
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2013, 09:52:20 AM »
     Since all the Left Liberals are out to take every gun the general public own, The heads of ALL the firearms/ammo/componets maqnufactures need to have a meeting and ALL of them agree to NOT sell any ammo/guns/ etc to any federal agency, State agency, Local law enforcement agency, only exception would be the Military and that would only be in a emergency to protect our boarders,   Jim

  I SO agree with you Jim, I'm very surprised that at least one or two ammo manufacturere havn't put the brakes on the gov contract ammo, realizing what's going on, and shifted it to the American people. Maybe it'll happen yet, in the meantime the little ammo that's showing up on gunshop shelves is foreign stuff, sellers and bellot, fiocci, russian stuff..  thank goodness for them,  without it there would be none to buy at all. Sure would love to know all the real truths behind the ammo shortage, I'm certain its a mix of factors but we're all just grasping at assumptions in trying to fathom it.  J
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