Let's not have such a narrow view...Using US or Canadian produced energy would cut some of the "easy money" to the countries which hate us..denying them some weapons to attack us. It would bring jobs, trade and prosperity to the US and Canada.
Ignore at the peril of your credibility the fact that Obama's Secretary of energy WANTS us to pay near $10 per gallon for gasoline. Poor B Hussein, only acting on the best info he has..and believeing firmly the "global-warming" myth.
Here Dr Steven Chu advocates that you and I pay what the socialist European nations drivers pay..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-pAvg6McPQ Even the radical left Huff Post agrees that European drivers are paying nearly $10 per gallon. And by their own admission..that's what Obama & Chu want for us..their plans are working...
Obama & Co have plans for us: