Some of you guys are so full of crap, I'll bet your eyes are brown, and your so full of yourselves on being right on this votin issue I sometimes wonder why I bother sharing my views.
My method of voting is pretty straight forward and it IS workin for me.
I check "Voting Records" of the candidates, and their past performance.
When McCain ran you guys backed that sold out sxb. If you had got him in we would now have troops fightin in Lybia & Syria. This last time you voted for a heathen that makes God into a man and Mary into an adulterer, and now have the audacity to question MY faith.
I vote for the most honest, and forthright man, while you guys wring your hands and fret about why I don't run in the same circle ya'll do, and chase my tail like ya'll do.
My consience is clear. I'm about what's right, not what bridge everbodies jumpin off of.
Good day gents, I've read all the goofy philosophy I can stand. My faith is what saves me from such crap.
PS iron glow, you don't pack the gear to give an opinion on my faith, it's way above your pay grade. Your just another Guy that thinks he knows how ta fix something he help create.
I don't have to justify my vote. It's mine to use as I see fit. I earned it.
Now I'm done.