No thank you. The second to last thing I want for president is a worthless liberal rino.
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That's exactly the problem over here " liberals including rhinos".
A real communist has nothing to hide anymore than a capitalist does. A communist is just as proud
of his system as you are. Liberals well that's another story.
Insecure in their own beliefs they continue to change the name of what they are. Progressives?
That sounds like a bunch of insurance salesmen so why would anyone take them seriously?
Yet they themselves keep living lavish lifestyles and telling us what we should do.
That my friends is not communisum its more like a monarchy with Obama in the lead than anything else. We refer to it as a dictatorship and that is a good representation of it .
But it is cheap thugs trying to be the big shot and steal all the money by being in control of it.
Welfair is not communisum its a home grown way of getting votes by dependacy in a system where
they play it for what it is. In communisum you all worked PERIOD or you were a burden on the
system. Even the disabled were hooked up with some job they could do no one got a free ride.
The problem with the USSR even before Reagan was exports were falling due to bad quality.
In a world where good quality could be bought for a little more I was there I saw it.
Example, the French built the Exocet missile system rivaling anything that Warsaw could produce at
the time while the US was still perfecting the cruse.
Mobile ICBM launchers made hardened silos a thing of the past its one reason we forced the
Russians to the SALT treaty's. China has not been so stupid the Chicoms watched all this and restructured their system to not have the same thing happen to them .
And just look at them now and look at what has become of us.
Just for your info you can say or think what ever you want that only helps your enemy's . They respect your millitary at least for now they do not respect you.