Yes, Mr Graham did get paid, but he only took what the average American Family made each year out of his ministry. He was not like some others who got rich off people. He used extra money to buy air time on tv or for any type mission work. That is one reason he was so well respected by all. He visited and ministered to ALL of the presidents except Obama. Obama would not see him.
Obama and his associates are narcissistic. Even psychiatrists say this younger generation are far more narcissistic than 20-30 years ago. It goes with this new generation who think everything should be handed to them. Obama, as they say in the south, pitches a fit, when he can't get his way. He doesn't realise life isn't that way. Everything he has done is going to be a failure. Obamacare is too expensive and doesn't solve any problems with health care, only makes things worse. His foreign policy is extremely naive. He thought he killed Ben Ladin and terroism would go away, yet we had Lybia, then Boston, then we have Syria falling apart, and Egypt in extremists hands. And so it goes. North Korea is still rattling their little sword. Then at home the economy is still struggling along without adding any significant jobs. Then his policy to give amnesty to aliens will cost over $6 trillion dollars, and our government is almost bankrupt as it is.
He needs to listen to what the other side has to say and be more pragmatic. Even Bill Clinton knew to do this and did get things going. Maybe the Republican ideas of letting insurance companies cross state lines with their offers would be more competitive and cost less. Maybe putting a million dollar malpractice lawsuit limit would help bring down costs. Why wasn't this tried. Maybe building pipelines and allowing more drilling on government leased land and offshore, might help bring down the cost of fuel and add jobs. Maybe not being so hard on the coal industry would help with jobs also. Maybe lowering manufacturing corporate tax might bring more factories back to America. Maybe lowering income tax and adding tarriffs on imported goods from some countries might help bring jobs back and keep our manufacturing more competitive with overseas products, and lower income tax would put more money in peoples pockets. Maybe while this is being done, maybe cutting back on food stamps and welfare people could then find jobs. Maybe sealing the border would help save some money from illegals getting free stuff at our expense. Maybe just maybe some things the Republicans and Libertarians want to do would help kick start this country back. Maybe crime would go down, then no more need for "gun control". Maybe if they would deal with the innercity crime, and fatherless kids who do most of it with 75% of the murders in 4 large cities, maybe we really don't need gun control, but deal with the real issues causing the murders in the first place. If the dems would just listen.