G'day Gun142,
I also had the same problem with lead, linotype bars purchased from a printer who had stopped using the letterpress printing process. That was until I decided to try the method used in the "type casting" machines.
The bar of linotype (about 3"x2"x2 foot long. approx. 35lb. They even have a hole cast in one end) is suspended above the melting and lowered in a little at a time as it is needed. The type casting machines had a dedicated mini chain block system, I just used a rope from the roof of my shed.
The only problem is that introducing too much new metal to my 20lb electric pot meant a long time to get back up to temperature. I usually used the same process but in a larger, gas fired pot and blended my favorite mix at the same time. If you are doing a lot of casting, it is quicker to have the two pots on melt and top up your casting pot from the other.
Lots of luck, Paul.