Author Topic: P-Mags vs Alum. magazines  (Read 775 times)

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Offline WayneS

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P-Mags vs Alum. magazines
« on: May 17, 2013, 05:29:50 AM »
 Just got my 1st AR, well, first in about 40 years. Is there any great or other wise advantage other that the Wt. of P-Mags over the conventional Alum. magazines ??


Offline Old Syko

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Re: P-Mags vs Alum. magazines
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2013, 05:47:23 AM »
I used to have some P-mags and I don't any more.  Still have boxes full of the standard mags from different manufacturers, if that tells ya how I feel. ;)

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: P-Mags vs Alum. magazines
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2013, 09:09:10 AM »
I have mostly Al mags and a few plastic ones.
I have seen a couple of the  C Mags that hold 100 rounds.  The 30 round mags load easy while the C-mags are a little heavy and hard to get out of what ever you are carrying them in and into the gun. 
Also it running around on a 3 gun course the C mag may never have you reload, they are expensive and if you damage it, you are out a bunch of ammo, if you ding up a 30 stick either AL or crack a plastic one toss it aside and load another. 
For hte price of a single C mag you can outfit your self with 30 sticks and ammo to load them (well in normal times)


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Re: P-Mags vs Alum. magazines
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2013, 09:38:17 AM »
I have a couple of both and a steel one from somewhere. They all work . I watched a video of a magazine test , what they did was drive the rear wheel of a duce and a half over the loaded mags. The alu. mags bent as would be expected and spewed out rounds. The P-mags seemed to flatten a little bit , let a few rounds escape then when put in the gun worked . The alum. mags would not fit in the gun anymore. I still like the look of the alum. mag. and don't plan to let them get run over but I have to admit the P-mag won the test . If I had to buy more it would be either depending on what was aval. or cost less.
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Offline jmayton

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Re: P-Mags vs Alum. magazines
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2013, 09:49:56 AM »
I run Colt AL mags (2), C-Products Steel (2), Triple K 9rd AL (1), Surplus AL 20rd (1), Gen 2 P-Mag (4), and Gen 3 P-mag (5).  All run just fine.  I had to modify the lips on the Triple-K to get it to feed, but after that it's just fine.  The AL's ar the lightest, but the P-mags are my go-to mag now.  It's like when I have a friend that has a 1911 that keeps having feeding problems.  I let him borrow one of my McCormick's and suddenly the gun will run.  If I have someone that has an issue with an AR that won't run, I let them try a P-mag and all is well.  They are a bit more bulky than the other, but they are reliable and I'll take that over weight and bulk anyday.

Offline WayneS

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Re: P-Mags vs Alum. magazines
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2013, 04:14:59 AM »
Thank you for your thoughts,
 The seller of the P-Mags seams to be N.I.S. and Brownells  seams to have both 20 & 30 Rd. Alum. Mags in stock