Author Topic: It may be beating a dead horse... But!  (Read 629 times)

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Offline Bug

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It may be beating a dead horse... But!
« on: February 24, 2004, 02:32:04 AM »
I know we've discussed the changing of TCs from rifle to pistol, and back again, to death. I also know that this issue will never be completely settled. I also agree that never having to address the issue with law enforcement is the best way to go. This article is a reply from the BATF. Many have asked the question, but I haven't seen a reply, in print, from them before. I don't necessarily agree with what is said. I just think it makes for some interesting reading.
 I could come up with several scenarios that would confound this BATmans statement, but I'll let y'all come up with your own :D

WELL! DUH! Forgot the link!!!
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Offline mikemayberry

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It may be beating a dead horse... But!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2004, 10:42:10 AM »
Strikes me that if you ask the government enough times if this is a problem, it will eventually become it a problem.  Let the sleeping dog lie!

In the absence of factual information, the voids will be filled with the worst possible scenario!

Offline doc-and

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It may be beating a dead horse... But!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2004, 03:17:01 AM »
Hey Bug,

Don't wake up the Feds!!  They screw up enough good things.  Instead, do what I've done with my Contenders & Encores.

I've set up a set (1 blue & 1 stainless) as carbines/rifles and another set as handguns, and dedicate and restrict those to those uses.  

That's just my way of solving a non-problem and keeping the Feds from having to interface with me!! :grin:

doc-and 8)

Offline Bug

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Hey, guys,
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2004, 03:48:39 AM »
Before you tar & feather me for pokin' a hornets nest; I have never asked/addressed this question with any agency or LEO, and don't intend to. I just ran across the article/letter, while surfing the net! I pretty much agree with you. If you don't ask, they (probably) can't say no.
 I just put this up so everyone could read it, as it was the first time I had run across anything, in print, from the feds.
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