Ya know Tim, 20 years ago, we looked at perhaps twenty or thirty deer a day and picked the one you wanted. Second day of the season and the freezer was full. Today, we barely see six or eight deer all season, and when you minus out the fawns, illegals and impossibles, you've got nothing. On the U.P, I think the State, Insurance Companies, and QDM are the reason. The State and Insurance companies for pushing unlimited doe tags in prior years. You could get one tag a day from August to November. I've heard of people around here shooting 12 or 15 deer.
This food plot, QDM, ethic has got the deer's feeding regimen totally screwed up. They bed down 100 yards from a feed plot, stuff themselves all night and sleep all day. If you want to see deer during the day around here, you've got to go kick them off their beds. When I was a kid in college in Maine, you could kill one deer of either sex. I don't know if that regulation is still in effect, but it made sense to me then, and still does.