I fired my new piece this week. I worked up from 300 grains (all Goex Cannon) to 500. (I see 500 grains listed as a live fire load... but nothing for blanks.) It still sounded like a "whoosh" (like a musket firing blanks). I wasn't on the rammer, as I was teaching my brother & focused on NOT wrapping a fist around or pounding the charge so I don't know how hard it was tamped. I had turned a form & the cartridges were a nice sliding fit. We did not use any wadding. I want a nice bang with the least amount of powder... no need to over charge.
I have read that blanks are double live load charges & I see 500 grains listed for 1.5".
So I think I need to increase these blank charges... how much? Anyone with direct experience post or PM.
Thanks, Russ
PS: My previous brass swivel gun, 1.25" bore made a decent BANG at 300 grains of the same Goex powder. This is the same load as the chart calls for, for a live load. A theory??
The chart does not go to 1.75" but a guestimate is +/- 600 grains. Any theories or loads are individual, of course, but if confirmed my experiment, night be useful for others.