Author Topic: Blank charges 1.75" bore  (Read 1072 times)

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Offline flagman1776

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Blank charges 1.75" bore
« on: May 31, 2013, 05:01:38 AM »
I fired my new piece this week.  I worked up from 300 grains (all Goex Cannon) to 500.  (I see 500 grains listed as a live fire load...  but nothing for blanks.)  It still sounded like a "whoosh" (like a musket firing blanks).  I wasn't on the rammer, as I was teaching my brother & focused on NOT wrapping a fist around or pounding the charge so I don't know how hard it was tamped.  I had turned a form & the cartridges were a nice sliding fit.  We did not use any wadding.  I want a nice bang with the least amount of powder...  no need to over charge.
I have read that blanks are double live load charges & I see 500 grains listed for 1.5". 
So I think I need to increase these blank charges...  how much?  Anyone with direct experience post or PM.
Thanks,  Russ   
PS:  My previous brass swivel gun, 1.25" bore made a decent BANG at 300 grains of the same Goex powder.  This is the same load as the chart calls for, for a live load.  A theory?? 
The chart does not go to 1.75" but a guestimate is +/- 600 grains.  Any theories or loads are individual, of course,  but if confirmed my experiment, night be useful for others. 

Offline flagman1776

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2013, 09:17:03 AM »
BTW, we also fired the 3/4" bore Crown Point Swivel replica we got from member ex-limey.  Made an impressive bang with 150 grains of Goex 2F.

Offline Doc Brown.

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2013, 09:54:11 AM »
I double everything for noise making. Without wadding your wasting powder. You end up using powder as wadding and it just gets wasted. I quit messing around with 1.75" noise makers for exactly the problems your having. ITs way to expensive to make a boom! If all you want to do is make a boom stick with the smaller bores I would say.

Offline GGaskill

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2013, 10:22:05 AM »
Or use some inert powder such as flour or corn meal as the "shot" to let the powder build some pressure.  We just had a report on the use of flour as efficacious so you could try and add to the experience for us all.
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Offline exlimey

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2013, 10:48:27 AM »
BTW, we also fired the 3/4" bore Crown Point Swivel replica we got from member ex-limy.  Made an impressive bang with 150 grains of Goex 2F.
.         Try it with a musket charge Russ i have always used  100 grains plus the cartridge paper on top in mine. as for cannon I use 1 ounce per inch bore you want a bang not an atomic explosion; it costs to much and will ruin your hearing. ;-).

Offline flagman1776

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2013, 12:38:23 PM »
I will add wadding to the 1.75 bore but only want one variable at a time & it was not appropriate to the test location.  I'm just back from a vaca trip & will read back to find the thread of fillers.
Thanks, John, (ex-limey) I thought the 100 grain musket charges were just a convenience.  I'll try backing down.  The twisted foil mouth seemed to give good pressure.   
When I can, I use damp lawn grass, sea weed, lake weed as wadding which we return to it's original location!!  (Ball as big as bore, squeezed out as much as possible)

Offline neros

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2013, 12:54:14 PM »
I see some of the same effect on my 20mm Napoleon barrel vs my naval barrel that's .50 cal. Its much easyer to get hefty bang from the smaller bore.. My limited experience so far tells me that the level of Bang lays in a perfect balance of powder grain, charge and wadding. I will do some serious experimenting when time permitted on making The perfect charge for blanks. We here in Norway are not permitted to shoot any object from our models, so blanks are the limit of fun in our hobby..
My father is a retired naval officer and former director on Norwegian naval museum (btw the oldest naval museum in the word:-) and he has a lifetime of experience in doing salute blank firing.
His advice to me has been to limit the max charge to twise the calibre in charge length. Meaning, in a 1 inch bore you charge of powder is max 2 inch long. This will in most barrels of some length give an almost complete combustion within the barrel.  He uses a light paper wadding and a healty dose of flour on topp. The last for increasing a preassure peak and the added visual effect...

As said, I will experiment and publish in words and video..

Blanks are fun to   ;D

Offline Doc Brown.

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2013, 02:36:04 PM »
Defiantly try flour for wadding.  I couldn't believe my ears when I tried it. I used less powder and the bang was louder than when I used more powder and foil wadding. I didn't pack nothing down real tight. Just a light tamp on the powder then added equal parts flour and another light tamping and boom. 1 Ounce was louder than 600 grains with foil wadding. GAURENTEED!

Offline buzz36

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2013, 07:35:00 PM »
Put an equal amount of flour or coffee mate in you charge bag and take little wadding of some kind grass horse applels or simular and she will bark

Offline flagman1776

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Re: Blank charges 1.75" bore
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2013, 04:11:28 PM »
First fire, test fire.  (click on video)