Well powderman, while I see the point your trying to make, we really don't know if the boy buried on the bottom really did it. If he did, fine. But if he did not. Well then, we here, or should I say some here, are celebrating a death that may have been instead, a murder.
We ourselves don't have a perfect criminal justice system, and I am witness to that first hand for a 20 year period. Prosecutors here want to be judges, so they have many times, no real interest in whether the defendant is guilty. They want a good conviction percentage. Defense attorneys want to make a lot of money, and getting guilty folks off makes a lot of money. I've seen uncoerced confessions walk out with a not guilty verdict from a very confused jury.
Even with the court system we have, every now and then one reads where DNA proved that a guy that has been in the slammer for decades DIDN'T DO IT! Many times with a so called "eye witness testimony. I had a friend once that was accused of molesting an 11 year old girl. Nothin looked right about the whole affair, but the girl swore to it, and the DHS folks tried to prosecute him with no evidence, just her word. She held to that story for over 10 years. He didn't do any time, but his name was ruined and everyone looked at him differently. She eventually admitted that the friend had never touched her. He had been dead five years when she made that admission.
I'll just let those Bolivians live with whether they served out justice, or vigilantism. The two aren't the same, and I can say that, after having met a few folks that damn sure needed killin.