Author Topic: States witnesses against Zimmerman aren't helping their case.  (Read 437 times)

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Detective recounts somber Zimmerman  citing his faith, fear after Martin shootingBy Perry Chiaramonte, Serafin GomezPublished July 01,
The Sanford police detective who questioned George Zimmerman the night he  shot Trayvon Martin became the latest prosecution witness to appear to do more  harm than good to the state's case, recalling a somber conversation that touched  on Zimmerman's faith and the fear he said he felt when Martin told him "You're  going to die tonight."
Detective Doris Singleton testified Monday that Zimmerman seemed somber and  conflicted as she interviewed him after the February 2012 shooting. She said  Zimmerman asked her about the crucifix around her neck and buried his head in  his hands upon learning Martin had died.
"I had a silver cross on and he asked me if I was Catholic," Singleton said  during testimony. "I said, 'No. I'm Christian. Why are you asking?'"
She said Zimmerman replied, saying that he had noticed the cross and told  Singleton that it was "always wrong to kill" someone.
"I said to him, 'If what you're telling me is true then I don't think that's  what God meant. [That] you couldn't save your own life,'" she told the  court.
Singleton testified that a shocked Zimmerman replied, "He's dead?" to which  she said, "I thought you knew that."
Assistant Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda appeared frustrated at times by the  prosecution witness' testimony, which, like previous witnesses put on by the  state, at times seemed to put Zimmerman in a sympathetic light. Several times,  De La Rionda turned his back on the witness stand and looked to his co-counsel,  almost in frustration.
Audiotape of Singleton, who did not respond to the crime scene, was played in  court. On it, Zimmerman stated that Martin seemed suspicious because he was,  "taking his time, and looking at all the houses" while Zimmerman was patrolling  the gated community. Zimmerman said Martin "jumped out" at him from the  bushes and said, "What the f--- is your problem, homey?" The defendant claimed  on the tape that he responded by saying that he didn't have a problem, to which  Martin responded by saying, "Now you have a problem," and punched him in the  nose.
Zimmerman said on the tape that the strike caused him to fall to the ground  and Martin got on top of him and started to throw more punches.
"He was whaling on my head and I was yelling for help," Zimmerman can be  heard saying to Singleton on the tape. "He put his hands on my nose and said,  'You're going to die tonight.'"
He added that he thought Martin was going for his gun, before he pulled on it  and shot the young man.
Zimmerman also said that he started the neighborhood watch after a break-in  at his home, and others had made him nervous and that since he started patrols,  he saw a few suspicious people in the neighborhood.
The testimony came as the prosecution began the second week of testimony in  Zimmerman's murder trial with a voice analyst who said it was "impossible to  determine" the age of the person who was heard screaming on the 911 call.
Hirotaka Nakasone, an FBI audio voice analyst who examined eight audio  recordings related to the February 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin, said he was  unable to identify or even peg an age to the person whose screams were heard on  the tape. He said the pitch of one's voice goes "all over the place" under  extreme stress.
It "was not possible to determine" the age of the person who was screaming,  for approximately 2.5 seconds, he said under questioning from assistant  prosecutor Richard Mantei. "Guessing age is a little complicated."
The issue is critical, because Zimmerman claims to have acted in self-defense  when he shot the 17-year-old Martin. Determining who was doing the screaming  could go a long way toward bolstering -- or undermining -- his defense. Prior to  testimony beginning in the case, the prosecution had tried to block Nakasone in  a Frye hearing, as they sought in vain to admit audio experts that said the  voice was Martin's.
On cross-examination by defense attorney Don West, Nakasone said people who  harbor preconceptions or "a bias" prior to hearing a recording could make a  mistake in identifying the speaker.
"There is always that danger," Nakasone said.
During re-direct questioning by the prosecution, Nakasone stated that he had  advised the Tampa Field Office of the FBI not to attempt a re-enactment because  of too many variables that could have affected the results.
Former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino also took  the stand Monday afternoon during which a series of telling audio and video  recordings were played for the court.
One was of an interview conducted with Zimmerman at the police station in  which Serino raised the possibility of racial profiling by asking him, "had this  person been white, would you have felt the same way?" Zimmerman replied,  "Yes."
Zimmerman also said in the interview "I prayed to god someone would video  tape it," regarding the fatal scuffle that broke out between him and Martin.
Also in the video, Singleton asks why Zimmerman did not identify himself and  he replied saying that Martin may have thought that he was "creepy." She also  asked if he thought Martin was afraid because Zimmerman did not identify  himself.
"Do you think he was afraid," Singleton is heard saying on the tape. "You  never told him you were? You could of told him? Right?"
When asked why he followed Martin, Zimmerman said, "He caught me off  guard."
More than 20 witnesses testified during the opening week of a trial that has  opened up national debates about race, equal justice, self-defense and gun  control.
Zimmerman has said Martin was banging his head into the concrete sidewalk  behind the townhomes in a gated community. Zimmerman is charged with  second-degree murder and has pleaded not guilty.
Zimmerman defense attorney Mark O'Mara said at the end of last week that the  trial was progressing at a faster pace than anticipated, but that he was  reserving judgment on the prosecution's case so far.
"We're in the middle of it. They've got a lot more to show. These things  build up slow, and it's sort of like pieces of a puzzle," O'Mara said. "People  say, 'wait a minute, I can't see the picture yet.' They're very good  prosecutors, they're gonna do a very good job, and they're gonna put on their  evidence. We'll see how it goes. We're certainly ready to respond to it."
Zimmerman, 29, could get life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder.  The state argued during its opening statement that Zimmerman profiled and  followed Martin in his truck and called a police dispatch number before he and  the teen got into a fight.
Zimmerman has denied the confrontation had anything to do with race, as  Martin's family and their supporters have claimed.
Over the first five days of testimony, jurors heard 911 calls from neighbors  that included cries for help and the fatal gunshot. Zimmerman's attorneys are  adamant that he is the one screaming on the recordings, while Martin's parents  have said it's their son.
Jurors also listened to more than six hours of testimony from Martin's friend  Rachel Jeantel, who testified that she was talking on the phone with the teen as  the fight started.
She testified that Martin told her he was being followed by "a creepy-ass  cracker." But it was her testy cross-examination exchanges with defense attorney  Don West that commanded the most attention.
West attacked inconsistencies in multiple statements she gave attorneys and  law enforcement officials about what she heard, including whether she heard  Martin say "Get off! Get off!"
There also was conflicting testimony from neighbors that witnessed parts of  the struggle between Martin and Zimmerman. Some said it appeared the larger  Zimmerman was straddling Martin, but neighbor Jonathan Good said it appeared  Martin was on top.
The Associated Press contributed to this report

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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Offline spruce

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Re: States witnesses against Zimmerman aren't helping their case.
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 10:56:45 AM »
So far the prosecution's witnesses are making a good case for the defense.  It's becoming obvious he was charged because of public pressure, and not because there was any real evidence to support the charge.

Offline ultramag44

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Re: States witnesses against Zimmerman aren't helping their case.
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 11:49:31 AM »
So far the prosecution's witnesses are making a good case for the defense.  It's becoming obvious he was charged because of public pressure, and not because there was any real evidence to support the charge.


None of the reliable prosecution  witnesses are going to perjure themselves and risk prison on what they know is a trumped-up case.  The sole exception that strange looking, 1/2-wit female (phone witness) making racist remarks and lying left & right.

The prosecution is saddled w/ a line up of (almost all) unwilling witnesses (for his case).

This is what happens when weak-willed DA's overrule honest cops by caving to political pressure.
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Offline yellowtail3

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Re: States witnesses against Zimmerman aren't helping their case.
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 12:49:34 PM »
He still might get convicted. But when you consider the standard of 'beyond a reasonable doubt', I can't see it.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline lakota

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Re: States witnesses against Zimmerman aren't helping their case.
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 01:29:08 PM »
This "case" should be thrown out. There just isn't a case there to make for the prosecution.
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Offline spruce

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Re: States witnesses against Zimmerman aren't helping their case.
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 01:32:00 PM »
Good point YT3 - he's definitely not out of the woods.  You just never know what a jury is thinking.