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Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2014, 03:37:08 AM »
  I would have loved to experience the world before laws as we know it but that will never come around again. 


Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2014, 03:57:51 AM »
Just like the "religion of the church of Liberalism" has it's own hierarchy, rules, regulations, outsiders and insiders.

  The religion of Liberalism has it's own taboos and shunning practices... Just ask any black contender for office who doesn't toe the Lefty/NAACP line !
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Offline don29

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2014, 05:34:47 AM »
So what's the answer?  Take away the Middle Class jobs by importing new workers and also their free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities?  That's the solution provided by many of our Republicans.  Better vote Democrat and at least keep some of the freebies  when our people are down.
Nothing is "FREE"...there is ALWAYS a price to be paid by someone, somewhere, someway and it's usually sucked out of the taxpayer.
don't believe it? when was the last time you looked at the taxes taken from your paycheck? just look at the little sticker on the gas pump that lists taxes...we can expect the governments to do NOTHING to lower taxes...taxes are their lifeblood...
"When our people are down"? just read the fine print of an application for medicaid. look at some of the 'qualifications' for some of the 'benefits' an example: the 'fine' for not signing up for health insurance...$98.00 OR, 1% of your gross yearly income...well the fine print says "the $98.00 fine is if you make $9800.00 OR LESS per year...if you OWN your automobile, your house, sports equipment, a boat or an RV, a IRA or CD's, they reserve the right to put a lein on it if you are put on medicaid! other cannot own anything and get sick and retain ownership of your own home...
what's wrong with this picture?

Offline GrassLakeRon

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2014, 08:04:33 AM »
  I would have loved to experience the world before laws as we know it but that will never come around again. 


Did you ever study history? Before passed down laws...say Paleolithic times.


Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2014, 02:25:57 PM »
  Not to hijack the thread, but I expect there were always "laws".  Primarily God's laws, but then even after the fall and dispersion there were likely "strong men" who were "leaders of the pack"..and had their own rules and laws.  Even in a cave wit a solitary family, likely Dad has his own "laws" for the family.
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Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2014, 03:24:24 PM »

Did you ever study history? Before passed down laws...say Paleolithic times.


Yeah ,,,but I always watched the Flintstones as just a cartoon.
I never believed they were real.

Offline tgardner

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2014, 03:52:39 PM »
This guy maybe headed for liberal paradise

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2014, 05:41:19 PM »

My picture has to about liberals, just look how peacefully they're getting along. Conservatives have admitted it can't be them! ;D

"Right now, Jesus himself couldn't be the Speaker and get 218 Republicans behind something."

—Rep. Patrick J. Tiberi

House Republican Blasts His Own Party, ‘Jesus himself couldn’t be the speaker’

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2014, 07:46:09 PM »

My picture has to about liberals, just look how peacefully they're getting along. Conservatives have admitted it can't be them! ;D

"Right now, Jesus himself couldn't be the Speaker and get 218 Republicans behind something."

—Rep. Patrick J. Tiberi

House Republican Blasts His Own Party, ‘Jesus himself couldn’t be the speaker’

If someone knows Jesus, they would know He can do what ever He  wants whenever He wants.
And when you talk about Jesus and liberals you should try addressing Ironglow's post.
You seem to always make a lot of comments ,but you fail to respond to anyone that questions you about your own statements.
Why is that?

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2014, 01:28:55 AM »
Yes TB, why don't you address my points shown in reply #23...and  prove to us one by one, how you figure Jesus to be a liberal. ?

   ...But it is highly unlikely TB will actually answer my explanations in Reply#23, since this is the point at which liberals will launch into name-calling or posting silly cartoons..   Since their positions are actually beyond rational defense.
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Offline Casull

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2014, 12:14:31 PM »
So hate is ok.  Please work on your comprehension.  Nobody says hate is "ok", but it certainly doesn't rise to the level of criminal activity.  So to then would be pollution and harming fellow humans poor business practices.   Oh my, poor business practices.  By all means, set up the firing squad.

How about pushing one religion on folks, would that be fair? There is that favorite word of the liberals . . . "fair".  Can't really define it, but they know it when they see it.   ::)   How about Islam?  Would you stand for that?  No?  Well how about those pushing christianity on folks?  It is the same as one side pushing islam....Yet you don't see it that way.

What about prayer in schools?  Oh yes, that is much worse than killing unborn children.  Only if it is Islam.  What, you cry NO.... Well think of the others in class including those who don't have or don't believe.....

How about the use of public lands, payed for by you, to go to have a statue of Mohammed hugging children?  What, you don't want that?  Yet you want all shorts of christian signs and symbols, so thats ok right?

Burn a flag have we?  No, freedom of speech ah?  Ah, freedom of speech.  Just how do you reconcile that with hate speech crimes?   Don't stand for that, so there needs to be a law right? 

How about bedroom practices?  How about me tell you what you can do to your ole lady?  No you say, yet their are laws on the books pushed by christian groups telling me what is fine and not fine. 

How about abortion?  How about it.  You seem to think it is worse for someone to say something hateful than it is to kill an unborn child.  My wife's body... Yet you want control there to.

How about gun control?  How about it?  We ALREADY have more than enough gun control laws on the books.  Well give them to three time hardened Felons then.  Nope, already illegal.  What, No you say..... Why?  You want protection for some?  How about mentally ill folks?  Nope, already illegal.  They need a thompson.... How about radical religious folks?  By YOUR definition of radical?  Don't think so.  Give them all a 1911.... Arm the whole world......and let everyone kill each other  Nope, already illegal ....sound like a plan?   You really need a clue.  Now that is funny from  the guy who just spent 24 lines ranting such sophomoric nonsense.  You want some protection, yet you complain about others. 
Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2014, 12:38:43 AM »
  Intentional blindness;

  "Abortion should be Carte Blanche and paid for by everyone..after all it is my wife's/girlfriend's body."

  False:  One should pay for their own mistakes.. and that is not her body! You ask , "how so?"   ..Here's how
   1) That baby you are KILLING , has a different blood type than his/her host.

   2)  That baby you are killing, may have a different gender than his/her host..

   3) That baby you are killing , may have a different hair color than his/her host.

   4) That baby you are killing, may have a different skin color than his/her host..

   5) That baby you are killing, after 10 weeks gestation..has his/her finger prints than his/her host.

   6) That baby you are killing, certainly has a different DNA than it's host.

   That old canard of "hate speech" is one of the really goofy things the left has come up with and no "law" should be involved either way. What constitutes "hate" can vary widely depending upon an individual's perspective.  If words are indeed hateful and injurious, condemnation by peers should handle the situation..don't mess with the first amendment!
   The even more egregious position is "hate crime" legislation, which obligates some judge to decide he/she knows for sure what the accused was thinking .   Logic says and has always said throughout history to punish somebody for the crime they actually committed, and not for any imagined wrongdoing.

  George Orwell, in his book .."1984" featured throughout his book, incidents concerning the "thought police".
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline GrassLakeRon

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2014, 01:25:42 AM »
  Intentional blindness;

  "Abortion should be Carte Blanche and paid for by everyone..after all it is my wife's/girlfriend's body."

  False:  One should pay for their own mistakes.. and that is not her body! You ask , "how so?"   ..Here's how
   1) That baby you are KILLING , has a different blood type than his/her host.

   2)  That baby you are killing, may have a different gender than his/her host..

   3) That baby you are killing , may have a different hair color than his/her host.

   4) That baby you are killing, may have a different skin color than his/her host..

   5) That baby you are killing, after 10 weeks gestation..has his/her finger prints than his/her host.

   6) That baby you are killing, certainly has a different DNA than it's host.

   That old canard of "hate speech" is one of the really goofy things the left has come up with and no "law" should be involved either way. What constitutes "hate" can vary widely depending upon an individual's perspective.  If words are indeed hateful and injurious, condemnation by peers should handle the situation..don't mess with the first amendment!
   The even more egregious position is "hate crime" legislation, which obligates some judge to decide he/she knows for sure what the accused was thinking .   Logic says and has always said throughout history to punish somebody for the crime they actually committed, and not for any imagined wrongdoing.

  George Orwell, in his book .."1984" featured throughout his book, incidents concerning the "thought police".

Killing?  The same morality you use to say abortion is killing also brought you:

The Spanish Inquisition.
Ethic murders in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The Conquest of North and South America.

The same people who picket the clinics, turn around and not help those kids 1,2,3 years later when they need food or a roof over their heads.  If you are so set on not "killing" them why is it there are so many kids that need adoption?  Why don't you adopt more...... The "Do as I say, and not as I do" doesn't hold water.

The numbers of kids/adults killed buy your religion over time is more then is aborted in the history of the US.  Period.

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2014, 04:27:06 AM »
Lets keep it on topic and not each other folks!
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2014, 05:30:33 AM »

(1)The same people who picket the clinics, turn around and not help those kids 1,2,3 years later when they need food or a roof over their heads.  If you are so set on not "killing" them why is it there are so many kids that need adoption?  Why don't you adopt more...... The "Do as I say, and not as I do" doesn't hold water.

(2)The numbers of kids/adults killed buy your religion over time is more then is aborted in the history of the US.  Period.

(1) That statement is nothing more than attempt to try to smear pro-life people as disgusting as pro-abortion people.
And there is no more proof to that statement as there is to saying all pro-abortion supporters use abortion as their only form of birth control instead of other forms of birth control.

 (2)  Show me your stats on how many adults/kids have been killed by religion in the United States since abortion became legal.
 Then look at how many abortions there were in the same time span in the United States. :o

You throw out a lot of statements ,,but you don't back them up with anything more than just YOUR opinions.


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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2014, 08:32:51 AM »
 I raised the children I help make. Is it to much to ask that all do so ? Or not make them . I don't feel it is my responsibility to raise the children of those who did not accept responsibility before indulging in personal pleasure when they knew the possible outcome. No don't put the lack of planning on others.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2014, 12:37:20 PM »
Ron says;

Killing?  The same morality you use to say abortion is killing also brought you:

The Spanish Inquisition.
Ethic murders in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The Conquest of North and South America.

  Ron, some of those things you speak of are just mass murder..just like abortion (nearly 60 million in the US alone since 1973.  I do have to admit though, I was tripped up by the "ethic" murders, since few murders would be considered even remotely ethical..

  As far as the conquest of North & South America, shucks!  Let's throw in Central America also..  Those who swallow the 'evolution" line ought to be very pleased.  Here is an excellent example of "survival of the fittest"  those who adapted (technology) the quickest, won the struggle and naturally dispossessed the weaker organisms..  That's Darwin personified!  ;) ;D ;D ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #47 on: February 10, 2014, 05:42:15 PM »
Not Really!

Survival of the fittest

Any hoo, here's some more pics of the liberal paradise we're headed for! ;)

Job creation in liberal paradise

Beautiful sunset in liberal paradise

Investing in our future liberal paradise style

Offline GrassLakeRon

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2014, 12:26:39 AM »
Ron says;

Killing?  The same morality you use to say abortion is killing also brought you:

The Spanish Inquisition.
Ethic murders in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The Conquest of North and South America.

  Ron, some of those things you speak of are just mass murder..just like abortion (nearly 60 million in the US alone since 1973.  I do have to admit though, I was tripped up by the "ethic" murders, since few murders would be considered even remotely ethical..

  As far as the conquest of North & South America, shucks!  Let's throw in Central America also..  Those who swallow the 'evolution" line ought to be very pleased.  Here is an excellent example of "survival of the fittest"  those who adapted (technology) the quickest, won the struggle and naturally dispossessed the weaker organisms..  That's Darwin personified!  ;) ;D ;D ;D

That is why religion was created in the first place, to take a species like ours, and give them a code of laws, ethics, and a reason to "rise" above the others.  It even gave them a "golden carrot" at the end, a promise to live on.  The problem is we go back to the same root problems as any other animal on this planet.  The worse part is this, tell your children to "turn the other cheek" yet in the next breath war with your neighbors.  If you take the "moral" high ground you take it....not just talk the talk, but walk the walk.  We don't.  It is hard to buy into something, when the group telling you doesn't do ether. 

I have seen with my own eyes a group of clinic picketers within two days show up at a no tax rally and protest giving "handouts" to the same group of Mom's who they didn't want there offspring aborted.  So please don't tell me a group doesn't do it.  Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk.  If you want the kids, then as a community take care of them.  Oh, and if you think the whole "It takes a Community to raise them" is a joke, then think about "Church Families" helping others.....They to are a Community helping.

We pick and choose our morality/ethics to fit our moods.  It reminds me of how various religions have splintered into groups over the last 2000 years.  Each group picking what they want and forgetting  the rest.

I am FFFFFFFFAAAAAAAARRRRRR from perfect (just ask my wife) but at the same time, I try everyday to be better then the next.  I talk the talk and walk the walk.  If I say I will help, it is from birth to death and there are many kids out there that call me dad that are not mine and from all walks of life.  I see 5000 students every year, close to 90,000 over the last couple of decades, and everyone knows where I stand and how I help.

So step up to the plate........

A message to the mods:  Steel tempers Steel...Mr. Glow can speak to this....If you believe that a conversation is getting heated, ask me.  I respect those who can go "toe to toe" with me on a conversation more then a "shot" in the dark and run.

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #49 on: February 11, 2014, 05:34:07 AM »
Ron says;

A message to the mods:  Steel tempers Steel...Mr. Glow can speak to this....If you believe that a conversation is getting heated, ask me.  I respect those who can go "toe to toe" with me on a conversation more then a "shot" in the dark and run.

Message to Ron............ I'm not talking about going toe to toe on an issue. I step in when violations of rules happen.Personal attacks are a violation, and not allowed.Put into place so anyone can understand them."  This thread was becoming a little close to the line.BTW" A message to mods should be done in a PM (PRIVATE MESSAGE). This topic is about Liberal Paradise. Not instructions for Moderators.
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2014, 12:20:08 PM »
Yeah, part of the liberal paradise or utopia is the legalization of murder, for a means of birth control. Then they use the pathetic claim that Christians, who want the murder stopped are trying to push their morals on society. There hasn't been one liberal, or pro murder advocate, yet who has answered the question of, do you believe in life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all.   

Another big part of liberals sought after utopia is limiting individual freedom, because individual freedom is an obstacle in the mind of a liberal. Freedom limits the power and control over individuals. Their idea is that government is better suited for making decisions for individuals, where history has proven time and again that individuals make better decisions for themselves. So for government to have power and make decisions for people. First liberty has to be removed, and that is just what liberals want. They deny it, but their actions speak louder.
One of their reasons for wanting freedom suppressed is the idea of creating fairness. They can't grasp the fact that people are gifted with different talents, and goals for motivation. Its the reason liberals pipe dream of fairness will never be able to be accomplished. All they end up doing is hurting the people they intend to help, with dependency, and no self sustainability, which brings about poverty. Again history has proven this, but what liberal pays attention to history. I guess that is a reason liberals like to rewrite history.     
The drive toward liberal utopia is doing nothing but taking away common sense solutions. Their principles not only destroy a country, but take away the identity that created this great nation.   
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn


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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2014, 02:04:58 AM »
Much of the Western world is becoming a liberal paradise or moral free area . What is also happening is wide spread economic collapse . Could there be a correlation ? Not to worry just print mo money ::)
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Offline sethk

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2014, 11:58:28 AM »
  A factual analysis;

            A "Liberal Paradise" would be a place where everybody has guaranteed
 employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing,
free utilities, and only Law Enforcement has guns.
And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist ……it's called prison.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Wait a sec., I only really see 2 out of those 8 being part of my ideal future.  Maybe I'm not the crazed libral I've been made out to be...nah, I probably still am.
What I have: 30-06 Handi (2003), 12ga mod. bbl
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"Enter into that darkness where neither the Law nor human reason gives its light, but only the dark word of faith."   - C.F.W. Walther

Read Jorge Luis Borges.


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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #53 on: February 13, 2014, 04:04:34 AM »
Ok religion does set forth rules to live by. There are many religions with many differing laws . But then there are governments with laws also. We still have war. There are places in the world that you could go to experience the lack of law if you really wanted to. But then you face attack by your self.
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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #54 on: February 13, 2014, 05:47:26 AM »
I have posted my last post.  As I said in my 5:30 am post, you folks can hide and I have to fight with one hand behind my back...... Goodbye.

With all due respect you need to look deeper in the meaning of what you quote. "turn the other cheek" has nothing to do with war. What the message is to allow the magistrate administer punishment and not seek revenge on your own. In the same sense the order of an eye for and eye etc. tells the magistrate to dole out punishment equal to all and what fits the crime.
 Also there is evil in the world and many battles were noted in the Bible often carried on at the direction of God.
 As for abortion take your concept farther and stop the sex of those who don't want the kids . BTW a liberal said it takes a village (community) to raise a child . BS maybe brain wash one.
 As for perfect , Christians are a work in progress also so don't expect perfect here either.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #55 on: February 13, 2014, 01:25:18 PM »
  Addressing the last line in GL Ron's post #48..

  As a working artist/blacksmith I must tell you;
  Yes indeed, iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17)..but steel does not temper steel.  This has to be done with high heat and a quenching solution..
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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2014, 01:34:23 PM »
I have posted my last post.  As I said in my 5:30 am post, you folks can hide and I have to fight with one hand behind my back...... Goodbye.
With all due respect you need to look deeper in the meaning of what you quote. "turn the other cheek" has nothing to do with war. What the message is to allow the magistrate administer punishment and not seek revenge on your own. In the same sense the order of an eye for and eye etc. tells the magistrate to dole out punishment equal to all and what fits the crime.
 Also there is evil in the world and many battles were noted in the Bible often carried on at the direction of God.
 As for abortion take your concept farther and stop the sex of those who don't want the kids . BTW a liberal said it takes a village (community) to raise a child . BS maybe brain wash one.
 As for perfect , Christians are a work in progress also so don't expect perfect here either.

I agree that an turning the other cheek has nothing to do with war, but I'm curious as to why it would be about the admistration of justice by a magistrate. My understanding has been that the context was about dealing with an evil person, i.e. "anyone" who slapped you in the face. If anything it seems to be in contrast to administrative justice. A sidetrack, I know but things seemed a bit derailed anyway.
What I have: 30-06 Handi (2003), 12ga mod. bbl
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"Enter into that darkness where neither the Law nor human reason gives its light, but only the dark word of faith."   - C.F.W. Walther

Read Jorge Luis Borges.


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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2014, 10:36:09 PM »
Because that is what it says. We as individuals are not to seek revenge that is Gods right. Check out the Old testament as to who is responsible to decide punishment as given in the old Jewish law. It is not the individual that was wronged but the magistrate or govt. official. There would be no way to govern if everyone was taking the law into their own hands.
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Offline sethk

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Re: Liberal paradise
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2014, 12:46:58 AM »
Because that is what it says. We as individuals are not to seek revenge that is Gods right. Check out the Old testament as to who is responsible to decide punishment as given in the old Jewish law. It is not the individual that was wronged but the magistrate or govt. official. There would be no way to govern if everyone was taking the law into their own hands.

I understand what you are saying.  I get that reserving criminal judgement for the proper authorities and that retribution/judgement are the Lord's are clear biblical concepts.  Certainly those concepts are related to how individuals should react to evil-doers, but I was just confused a bit by your invoking of magisterial justice as "the message" of the "turn the other cheek" portion of the Sermon on the Mount.  I do certainly agree with the idea that our responses to others should be shaped by a different set of ideals and motivations that those of judicial and martial authorities.  Thanks, for the response.
What I have: 30-06 Handi (2003), 12ga mod. bbl
What I want: .22lr offset (versa-pack) bbl, 357 Max bbl

"Enter into that darkness where neither the Law nor human reason gives its light, but only the dark word of faith."   - C.F.W. Walther

Read Jorge Luis Borges.