I too am using an ICOtec GC300 Electric Caller. I have only had one problem with mine and that was one day when I think I had the caller set too far away from me (150 yards, still don't know why I thought I needed it that far away from me) and the remote would not work 100% of the time.
The thing I really like about the ICOtec GC300 is each sound has it's own button. No scrolling through a play list to play the sound I want to play. This is especially important to me when calling late at night under a full moon in low light conditions.
On a recent Coyote Hunt a week or so ago I started each stand with the Female Coyote and Male Coyote tracks. I'd push the female coyote and then the male coyote buttons. The two different howls would alternate and or play together. This really seemed to get the coyotes to respond. I only managed to take one coyote on that trip but it was not the fault of the caller, it was the fault of the shooter.