Computers are convenient. Unless you are hacked. Or without power. Can be erased by accident. No, important documents you need in a safe deposit box, and an extra copy in a handy place you can grab, one that a burglar, snooper or even police could find easily, in a portable waterproof container. Not quite paranoid
....just abundantly prudent.
I don't store any sensitive records on my computer. You hit the nail on the head. I'm going to do the Customs Form and stash it in my Safe Deposit Box. My wife has been on my butt for quite a while to get them listed and documented. In reality, that's been next to impossible. I add barrels and frames, change them, add or change scopes, etc. and buy and sell. A frame that was a 7mm-08 yesterday could be on a .243 barrel today, or in the drawer as a spare on nothing. The only way I could do it would be to inventory frames, stocks, barrels, scopes and accessories and list each item. I get tired just thinking about that....I think I'll take a nap.