Author Topic: ruger does me right  (Read 1672 times)

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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ruger does me right
« on: December 12, 2019, 12:02:49 AM »
had a new American ordered in 300 bo. Went to check on it and there was a used on on the shelf for quite a bit less and the shop owner said hed sell it to me and just put mine up for sale when it came in. So for 200 bucks I walked out with it. It was the first run rotary mag gun. It would only feed well if the gun was perfectly level on the bench. I contacted ruger and told them and they sent me a new mag. Same problem. Got ahold of them again and they said I could send it in but it would cost me 35 bucks shipping to them and they would take care of return shipping. So I went for it. 6 days later they emailed me and said that with my permission they would destroy my gun and send me a brand new one that took ar15 mags. The one I really wanted from the git go. So im ending up with a new 300 for 240 bucks. Cant beat that!
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