Author Topic: God's comma?  (Read 429 times)

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God's comma?
« on: July 01, 2020, 07:57:54 AM »
  While perusing Google maps in contemplation of a short trip, I went to street view in Middlebury, VT.  There, I happened by a view of their Congregational Church...with a big, rainbow flag decorating the front of their building.

   I visited their website, to find that they are combined with The United Church of Christ.. which was Obama's choice in Chicago.  They seem to think that when God handed down his word, it was subject to change...according to men's opinions...that He didn't finish his Bible, but left apostrophes all over the place..

  They seem to think that "God is still speaking" through various sources, mainly it appears, through "pop culture".  In any case they are heavy on the "rainbow thing"..and I don't mean the Noahic promise of the rainbow !

    This explains the UCC beliefs

  Since the Congregationalist Church is the repository of what is left of the old Puritan faith, I rather wonder what the old Puritans think of this development ?
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..