The most detrimental entity on planet earth is a female politician. Especially a Liberal one.They are designed to be emotional critters. This is a good thing in the right place. Politics isn't one of them. Every year we see more and more of them in positions of power. 23% of the House are Female and the majority are Liberal. Of the 26 Women in the Senate,17 are Liberal and 9 Reps. You will see this increase until they will be the majority.Second most detrimental entity is the Liberal male.Usually reared by a dominate or single Mom. They turn out to be the criminals in inner cities,or the snowflakes in politics that have ruined our society.Real Men have gone AWOL.We finally get one Dominate Male in a position of power, and you see how he is treated. Even by his so called political party.Returning to sanity ain't gonna be easy.OH! And the most important thing missing in all this mix is our Creator.