At least that is what Pew research says.. That Map by Pew is rather indistinct, and thus doesn't show much. A more defined map is the one below, by the CDC.
This map shows more correctly, just where the "hot spots" are, which is chiefly on the eastern seaboard, in the megalopolis running from Boston, on down through Virginia. I understand have had some deaths in our county, but I doubt they reach the 20 mark, and I know of none personally. Even if it is called a Covid death, by past could be a heart attack, pneumonia, diabetes or a number of other things.
Perhaps the best move would be to restrain the travel and movement of people in the highest populated areas.
..But of course, according to Pew Research says democrats are the most infested, perhaps the restrictions in travel, congregating and mask wearing , would be most beneficial if they only placed upon democrats !