Author Topic: Nobel for Biden while striking Syria and containing Russia  (Read 208 times)

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Nobel for Biden while striking Syria and containing Russia
« on: February 27, 2021, 03:30:01 AM »
Nobel like Obama? Biden's pentagon declares Russia an 'existential threat' sends marines and bombers to Norway while ordering his first air raid on Syria.And Demoncrats silent. Trump: ''I told you so.''

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Democrats silent on Syrian airstrikes after breathlessly condemning them in 2018
This may be the ultimate proof that partisanship is by far more important to DC politicians than principles or policies.

by Chastity Mansfield  February 25, 2021
Democrats silent on Syrian airstrikes after breathlessly condemning them in 2018
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It’s very easy to be a Democratic lawmaker. Success is contingent on toeing the party line, attacking every action or comment from Republicans while wholeheartedly supporting every action or comment from Democrats. Many Republicans can be accused of the same level of partisanship, but it’s not nearly as universal of a trait in the GOP as it is among Democrats.

The latest example of rife hypocrisy comes with the Syrian airstrikes. When President Trump ordered airstrikes against Syria to strategically hamper their ability to attack our forces stationed there and in Iraq, pretty much every Democrat lawmaker and bureaucrat was screaming about legality and authority. Some went so far as to defend Bashar al Assad. Others ignored Assad and focused on Syria’s sovereignty. It all came down to one thing: President Trump made the call and every call President Trump made was opposed by Democrats. Joe Biden made the same call today and thus far has suffered from nearly zero attacks from these same lawmakers.

There is actually less of a reason today to attack Syria than there was during the Trump administration. Peace is at its greatest level in the Middle East than it has been in decades, especially as it pertains to American interests. These airstrikes may or may not have been necessary, but they’re definitely less necessary than the ones President Trump ordered. Nonetheless, we’re not seeing the pushback.

There may be some pushback that we’re not seeing in public yet. Apparently, Kamala Harris was not briefed on the airstrikes and she’s very upset about it. But as Donald Trump Jr noted, perhaps she wasn’t alone in being in the dark.

Mainstream media is getting in on the action as well. In particular, talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, and the networks were practically unhinged over every military action President Trump initiated. It didn’t matter whether he ordered airstrikes pulled troops out of Syria. It was always the wrong move according to mainstream media. But as Biden puts troops back into Syria and orders similar airstrikes, major media outlets are practically bestowing Biden with a preemptive Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

To Democrats, principles are not defined. They are malleable to suit the given situation. Core beliefs are fickle and partisanship reigns supreme. They do not judge actions outside of the actor, which is a pitiful way of governing