With senile Biden as president being lead like a trained monkey by people who have never worked a hard job in their life, it will get far worse for the next two years at least.
At that I have several Grizzly pistols and have watched prices on GB; they usually have single high price, not an auction , and are going up.
As I write this there is a Mk I, on auction, that comes with all necessary to convert from .45 Win. Mag to .357 and 10mm that in two weeks was bid up to 2,500 , while at the same time another dude has just a standard Mk I .45 Win. Mag for sale at 2,500.
Greed rules.
For many years , until this one, you usually saw them listed at 1,600 plus or minus.
I checked on sold prices, and ones sold by bidding sell around 2.500 plus or minus 150 dollars on average.
Some thing has changed.