Author Topic: i dont understand this  (Read 712 times)

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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i dont understand this
« on: July 11, 2021, 02:13:57 AM »
saw on the news yesterday where they were tearing down monuments all over the south and didnt seem to be anyone even peacefully protesting. This was on fox too so it wouldnt have been hoiden. I would have never guessed that would happen. Is there a reason im missing here? Even in liberal VA i thought there would be more excitement.
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Offline ironglows

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2021, 02:46:01 AM »
   Sadly, they were statues of gens Lee and Jackson, in Charlottsville, VA.  To communists, only the "state" counts, so there is hostility toward human heroes...and especially toward God and Jesus Christ.

  In fact, an anti-Christ attitude is almost a pre-requisite  for any fledgling commie !

  The "celebration" continued with a speech by the current mayor, wherein the obligatory shaming of America to precedence.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2021, 03:02:22 AM »
Im a northerner and take offense by it. Those guys are military veterans that were fighting for what they felt was this country and in my opinion died and served just as much as heros as any vet. I see they even pulled down one from lewis and clark  that had nothing to do with the war just because lewis and clark are standing and the indian girl is not. Whats next statues of the ww2 because we killed japs and germans? Might as well tear down the nam wall too because we killed all those viet cong in a war that was every bit as political as the civil war as was korea. To me its a slap in the face to ALL who have served. Take down the statues of the politicians. I could give a rip about that. But those men were willing to risk there lives unlike the liberal trash thats tearing them down. 
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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2021, 06:28:52 AM »
First and foremost I do not believe in removing those statues.  But lets say for the sake of argument that removing statues of oath breakers, traitors, and people that fought for a wicked system, was just fine.  VA. is also removing the statues of  meriwether lewis william clark and sacagawea :o?????
Everything before BUT is B.S.

Offline ironglows

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2021, 06:50:30 AM »
First and foremost I do not believe in removing those statues.  But lets say for the sake of argument that removing statues of oath breakers, traitors, and people that fought for a wicked system, was just fine. ..Of course you are speaking of Obama, Nadler, Pelosi, Biden, BLM, both political parties and 2/3 of congress..right? VA. is also removing the statues of  meriwether lewis william clark and sacagawea :o?????

   Removing a statue of Merriweather Lewis, William Clark and Sacajawea Charbonneau, while erecting a statue honor, a wife beating felon of a drug addict named Floyd.  What is wrong with this picture?
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2021, 07:05:58 AM »
they had a guy on fox this morning saying the EXACT same thing tm7
During and after a successful Marxist revolution, there's the cancellation/erasure of the old culture.
That's basic Marxist Theory and can go on for years. With that there is also the extermination of the old school _ _ those that can not be
re-educated or indoctrinated. The process is well under way in America and is more rapid than I ever thought possible; mostly due to the Covid psyop.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2021, 07:08:35 AM »
First and foremost I do not believe in removing those statues.  But lets say for the sake of argument that removing statues of oath breakers, traitors, and people that fought for a wicked system, was just fine.  VA. is also removing the statues of  meriwether lewis william clark and sacagawea :o?????
because he had an ignorant indian squaw with him kneeling at his feet. She was put there to show she contributed to his successes and could have easily been left out but the liberals take offense to it. Thats the best explanation ive heard on it so far.
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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2021, 07:26:39 AM »
She was their guide, spokes person to other tribes, carried and cared for her baby. helped them survive and now this bunch of we could care less wont all traces of her and Lewis and Clark removed. This is what happens when you allow educators to take control and brain wash our children and weak leaders stand back and allow them to do it.

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2021, 08:17:56 AM »
yes sir! and its just the start. If we dont get the controls back from them real america will be something that is heavily edited in school history class in a very short time. Daring to speak of it will probably find you answering to a judge.
She was their guide, spokes person to other tribes, carried and cared for her baby. helped them survive and now this bunch of we could care less wont all traces of her and Lewis and Clark removed. This is what happens when you allow educators to take control and brain wash our children and weak leaders stand back and allow them to do it.

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Offline ironglows

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2021, 01:35:46 PM »
  I hope you are wrong, but you have a lot of history as a witness on your side..

     From TM, earlier;
        "  With that there is also the extermination of the old school _ _ those that can not be re-educated or indoctrinated."

  ..And folks, ..don't think for one moment, that the communists wouldn't do just that!  You may think that your neighbors wouldn't do such a thing to you..
    Not old Joe& Millie next door, they wouldn't do that to us!

  Really?  There are thousands of Joes and Millies across the country, who stood by while their daughter & lover murdered their own grandchild..   ...Perhaps several times..

   Without God, people can be more brutal than you ever imagined..  ..Some even with their god..
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline ironglows

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2021, 01:47:54 PM »
yes sir! and its just the start. If we dont get the controls back from them real america will be something that is heavily edited in school history class in a very short time. Daring to speak of it will probably find you answering to a judge.
She was their guide, spokes person to other tribes, carried and cared for her baby. helped them survive and now this bunch of we could care less wont all traces of her and Lewis and Clark removed. This is what happens when you allow educators to take control and brain wash our children and weak leaders stand back and allow them to do it.


  Another case of wilful ignorance by commies and other less aware people.

  Actually the partnership between Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea, was a win/win for all parties, She was born a Shoshone, but captured by the Hidatsa tribe, who held her in slavery, until she was given or sold to Charbonneau, who treated her like dirt.
  About when the L&C expedition came along, her great desire was to get back to the Shoshones.  In exchange for guiding them, L&C delivered her back to her beloved tribe.
  In fact, when she was near home, she was met by a Shoshone chief..her blood brother!

   I say... "Ignorance of history is no excuse for doing STUPID things !" 

  (like pulling down statues you don't understand)
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline DDZ

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2021, 03:34:59 PM »
Looks like we're going to find out real soon with Biden's 'strike force' teams going door to door to jab people or do whatever to anti-jabbers; which they'll do have granting a fake FDA approval for these poisons. Could this be Obama's death squads?
Already there's enough information, injury, and deaths to halt these communist death jabs. But they're going for more. Undisputedly, these so-called vaccines are the most toxic dangerous materials (outside of military weapons) ever fraudently unleashed on the world.

Where's the resistance?

When installing fear into people is used as a weapon to turn America into a herd of sheep. There will be no resistance.  Since the fear of covid has died down they need to ramp up the fear again with the delta variant. Swamp doctor Fauci is already heading it up.  I have already seen the fear beginning again. An acquaintance of mine was saying how dangerous the Delta variant is.  All the media has to do is say how people are dying from the Delta variant, and people will be lining up for more shots.  We can forget about any resistance from the herd of sheep that now populates this country.  Critical thinking is gone. Our schools do not teach kids to use their minds as in critical thinking. They are taught to be robots that believe everything they are told without question.  Remember the Marxists have control of the most powerful weapon. The Media. 

As for the tearing down of monuments. Its just a part of the Marxist takeover.  The history of our nation and how it was formed has to be erased, and is being erased.  Just look at the minds of our young people. Many of them haven't a clue as to how we became a Constitutional Republic.  If the next generation doesn't know what their rights are. There really won't be any.
 The Marxist takeover started with covid, then Antifa and BLM, which had nothing to do with black lives. All they were was groups of Marxists that hate capitalism, and America. Do we really think any of them cared one iota about a cop shooting a black criminal?  Look at how many ignorant young white people were marching with those groups.  Do we think they cared about a cop that shot a black criminal? 
 Then of course there was the stolen election, which nothing at all was done about it. That was the final straw that broke the back of this nation. they will keep the country in fear of covid, while they strip us of our liberty.   Still nothing is being done to make the next election fair.  In fact I look for more laws to make the cheating easier for them.  Forget about the republicans or our courts doing anything. They had a chance to and did nothing.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2021, 02:37:35 AM »
i agree. covid has become more of a tool of oppression used by the far left to force there agenda on us then it is a real medical problem anymore. They are just wringing out the last drops of control it allows them to force on people without the supprort of the voters. Just like there proposed door to door gestapo policy they want to push. Bare minimum if these states want to tear down statues of our history every single one of those should be have to be approved by a majority of the states voters if its a state owned monument and everyone in the US if its federal. What there do is tearing them down real quick before midterms with no real authority because they know it will be stopped if we take back the senate. It is communisms  plain and simple. Our goverment has about become a dictatorship.
Looks like we're going to find out real soon with Biden's 'strike force' teams going door to door to jab people or do whatever to anti-jabbers; which they'll do have granting a fake FDA approval for these poisons. Could this be Obama's death squads?
Already there's enough information, injury, and deaths to halt these communist death jabs. But they're going for more. Undisputedly, these so-called vaccines are the most toxic dangerous materials (outside of military weapons) ever fraudently unleashed on the world.

Where's the resistance?

When installing fear into people is used as a weapon to turn America into a herd of sheep. There will be no resistance.  Since the fear of covid has died down they need to ramp up the fear again with the delta variant. Swamp doctor Fauci is already heading it up.  I have already seen the fear beginning again. An acquaintance of mine was saying how dangerous the Delta variant is.  All the media has to do is say how people are dying from the Delta variant, and people will be lining up for more shots.  We can forget about any resistance from the herd of sheep that now populates this country.  Critical thinking is gone. Our schools do not teach kids to use their minds as in critical thinking. They are taught to be robots that believe everything they are told without question.  Remember the Marxists have control of the most powerful weapon. The Media. 

As for the tearing down of monuments. Its just a part of the Marxist takeover.  The history of our nation and how it was formed has to be erased, and is being erased.  Just look at the minds of our young people. Many of them haven't a clue as to how we became a Constitutional Republic.  If the next generation doesn't know what their rights are. There really won't be any.
 The Marxist takeover started with covid, then Antifa and BLM, which had nothing to do with black lives. All they were was groups of Marxists that hate capitalism, and America. Do we really think any of them cared one iota about a cop shooting a black criminal?  Look at how many ignorant young white people were marching with those groups.  Do we think they cared about a cop that shot a black criminal? 
 Then of course there was the stolen election, which nothing at all was done about it. That was the final straw that broke the back of this nation. they will keep the country in fear of covid, while they strip us of our liberty.   Still nothing is being done to make the next election fair.  In fact I look for more laws to make the cheating easier for them.  Forget about the republicans or our courts doing anything. They had a chance to and did nothing.
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Offline ironglows

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2021, 02:51:04 AM »
   For your perusal;
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline VA Rifleman

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2021, 04:46:27 AM »
The state of VA had a law regulating removal of historical monuments. It was one of the first things changed when Dems took over the VA state house.

The heir apparent to the VA governor’s mansion claims CRT isn’t real and a right wing conspiracy.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: i dont understand this
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2021, 06:43:52 AM »
blue lives matter