Author Topic: Dems hated the vax when PRESIDENT TRUMP wanted it but NOW they are all for it.  (Read 424 times)

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Offline powderman

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Dems hated the vax when PRESIDENT TRUMP wanted it but NOW they are all for it.
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Trump says Dems 'disparaged' COVID-19 vaccine while he was president: 'Now they wonder why' some are hesitant
Trump criticizes Biden's new COVID-19 vaccine mandates for employers
Brooke SingmanBy Brooke Singman | Fox News

Joe Biden's Massive Vaccine Mandates
EXCLUSIVE: Former President Donald Trump blamed Democrats for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among some Americans, saying they "disparaged" the vaccine when he was president.

During an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump reacted to President Biden’s executive order last week, mandating employers with more than 100 workers to require coronavirus vaccinations or test employees weekly. Biden also announced that all employees of the federal government would be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

"It shouldn’t be necessary," Trump said, referring to the mandates which have drawn criticism from Republicans and some in the private sector.


The Trump administration created Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership to create vaccines against the novel coronavirus, as the pandemic raged in 2020. Under his administration, the Food and Drug Administration approved emergency use authorizations (EUA) for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Trump, in December 2020, signed an executive order that would ensure all Americans had access to coronavirus vaccines before the U.S. government could begin aiding nations around the world.

Trump, in the exclusive Fox News interview, said that during his administration, more people were interested in getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

"If you remember, when I was president, there were literally lines of people wanting to take it," Trump said, pointing to vaccine hesitancy among some Americans. "Now, you have a different situation, and it’s very bad."

Trump went on to point to comments made by some Democrats, including future Vice President Kamala Harris, who said they may not trust the effectiveness of a vaccine that he was pushing.

"Of course, they famously said, if Trump came up with it, I’ll never take it," Trump recalled.

Trump blasts Biden's 'rushed' Afghanistan exitVideo
"They disparaged the vaccine, and now they wonder why people aren’t wanting to take it?" He continued. "It’s a disgrace."

"Look, it was one of my greatest achievements doing it in less than nine months instead of five years, or maybe never," Trump said, referring to the approval timeline for some vaccines at the FDA. "We saved millions of people all over the world."

But pointing back to those against getting a jab, Trump said: "They don’t trust this president, and that’s why they’re not taking it."

Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in January at the White House. It is unclear which vaccine they received. Trump talked up the vaccines' benefits in an interview with Fox News' Greg Gutfeld last week, saying infections among the vaccinated were less severe compared to the unvaccinated at the start of the pandemic: "If you do get sick, you don’t get sick like they were before, meaning you don’t die."


The Biden administration has made a significant push in promoting COVID-19 vaccines, launching door-to-door efforts over the summer, to help communities receive information and resources regarding how and when they could receive their doses.

The Biden administration, in July, also sought to incentivize Americans by urging state and local governments to use coronavirus relief funds to pay citizens $100 each to get vaccinated.

The proposals came amid concerns over breakthrough cases, infections among vaccinated individuals, and the strengthening delta variant became prominent in communities across the country.


Meanwhile, with COVID-19 cases on the rise again in the U.S., health officials are urging the public to vaccinate themselves against the deadly disease, warning that the overwhelming majority of deaths and hospitalizations from the delta variant continue to be among unvaccinated Americans.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 178 million people in the United States have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Brooke Singman is a Politics Reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @BrookeSingman.
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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Mule 11

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I think for myself. I am not a follower. I don’t care who approves of it. I don’t. That is what matters to me. My opinion...

Offline powderman

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I told everybody how the 2nd shot almost killed me. Since the shoy my mind is getting a lot worse. I can't remember simple things, Patty has seen a huge difference in me since that 2nd shot, It is a progressive thing. I had no problems with my memory til after that 2nd shot. CHARLIE.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline magooch

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Well that explains it then, Joe Biden must have had the second and maybe a tird shot.  He can't remember anything.  Maybe this kind of side effect is one reason why it usually takes a lot more time to judge the efficacy and safety of vaccines. 

I know of some very serious results of some people who got two doses of the vaccine.  On the other hand a lot of seniors who weren't able to get the shots, but did get the disease and didn't make it.

I say bomb the Chinese and Dr. Feces off the map.

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" you need to get the highest quality vitamins and minerals and supplements you can get ( not One a day cheap stuff), leafy greens veggies and such, and build yourself back up. Avoid refined carbs and sugars."

THAT is excellent advice for everyone!!!

Offline mcbammer

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    The Dems like to play hot potato , If the vaccine s    turn out to be a death sentence they'll  toss it back to Trump ,Just like  they did  the Afgan debacle they created .

Online Lloyd Smale

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its sad this thing has become a political tool for both sides more to gather votes then to save lives. Then we add in the conspiracy theorists wearing there tin foil hats. I guess to a point they might be right. i changed after getting a polio vaccine when i was a child. I grew older and some day will die. Anyone here die from covid after getting the vax? Anyone walk away from there Christianity?? If you did its just an excuse and you were never a real christian to start with. Me, neither shot had any kind of reaction and thats the real norm. I truely think some grown men are afraid to go outside because they think theres a drone the government sent to get them or they have chicken little syndrome and think the sky is falling.

 Why would a government want to kill off a big percentage of the people that pay taxes so they can party like a rock star. Look at the democrats today. They not only dont want you dead but are bringing thousands more people into the country every week to get more votes. We just had two people die in this real rural area from covid. A husband and Wife that were in there 40s and healthy. Neither had gotten the vacs. I havent heard of even one case in the area yet that someone who got the vaccine died. I know some that died before the vax came out though and id bet everyone here does too. My 90 year old dad and 89 year old ma and my 60 year old learning disabled brother are just recovering now from it. Maybe it would have turned out the same if they handnt had he vax. I dont know. Nobody does. My mother is so crippled up she rarely gets out of bed for the last 5 years. My brother is very overweight and out of shape and my dad has failing kidneys and just got a cancerous tumor taken out of his bladder two weeks before he caught covid and is going through cobalt treatments. So they surely arent in any kind of shape. They also gave it to a number of other family members and not one of them landed in the hospital.

 Thats the kind of proof i need to make my PERSONAL decision not some waco doctor or scientist on the internet looking for his 5 minutes of fame like fauchi. Or some pastor that the closest thing to a doctor he ever did was put on a band aid or worse of all. Taking medical advice from someone on the internet that might be a truck driver or firefighter or plumber over my doctors advice. To me its a simple matter of personal choice. But i sure wont be a cheerleader for either side. To me its like giving advice to another reloader for loads 3 grains over max. My poor advice could make ME responsible for hurting someone.

Now if i look at this logically to pull it off trump would have had to be in cohoots with china and russia. Helped make the virus, leak it out take 2 or more major drug companies to add something to those vaccines to intentionally harm you and do this with 100s of people knowing about it and none of them leaking to the press. Doesnt seem very likely today. Seems everything little thing ANY politician does or has done ends up in the press. Let me ask this. IF trump did do something like this do you think the biden administration would have fell in line or used it to destroy the republican party?
I say bomb the Chinese and Dr. Feces off the map.
  now that is sound advice!!! Cant turn back the clock but we sure can make the guilty pay.

 Does the vax work? Numbers say it does but i dont know. Does the vax allow the government to control you? I dont know but I sure doubt it. Does it anger God? Come on!! Make you not want to work?? Thats bidens socialism not the vax. What i do know is biden is tearing this country apart. It gives me much more important things to ponder. Now him forcing people to get the vax that dont want it REALLY angers me. Just the fact that he gives a pass to those crashing our border and to teachers shows me this fake law was just made to throw a bone to the far left. There are real issues with the vax like these. No need to dream up others. 200,000 possibly infected people crossed the border just last month. Im not worried about the vax, not even worried about covid. Now this biden administration is something that really makes me worried.
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Offline ironglow

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   I did take the original vaccine, and have not noticed any of the symptoms others speak about.
  However, i won't be taking any "boosters" or other 'enticements' the Biden gang seems to be demanding.

  I was not and am still not, afraid of the immunizations ordered under the Trump administration.  I cannot feature the whole body of scientists set to develop the vaccines, to be in on any mass conspiracy, and willing to risk any license, or their reputation or career by such an action.

  They do however, seem to be far less effective than first introduced.

  I will be resisting any further shots however, since we have been getting nothing but lies, lies and more lies from the Biden bunch.

  It seems like most of them given a choice, would RATHER lie, than tell the truth.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Online Lloyd Smale

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im not in any hurry for a booster either. More because i think its just a political ploy by biden to try to take attention away from the REAL issues. Now if people in mass start getting hospitalized or dying again and the ones that got the booster arent dying or being hospitalized, I probably will change my mind.
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Offline ironglow

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im not in any hurry for a booster either. More because i think its just a political ploy by biden to try to take attention away from the REAL issues. Now if people in mass start getting hospitalized or dying again and the ones that got the booster arent dying or being hospitalized, I probably will change my mind.

    Vaccination or not.. it is important that we each allow others just as much "free choice" as each of us has practiced.  Condemnation help nobody..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)