Author Topic: Our counterfeit president and VP.  (Read 699 times)

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Offline DDZ

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Our counterfeit president and VP.
« on: December 10, 2021, 01:58:40 AM »
How embarrassing it is what Biden and Harris are.  There is a short video in the link of our two counterfeit people in the highest office.

The Democrats aren’t even pretending anymore that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like each other. Each sees the other as an enemy, although neither can do without the other. Biden needs Harris as his insurance policy against being pushed out under the 25th Amendment. Harris needs Biden because, bad as she is as Vice President, if Biden boots her, she’s got nothing. On Thursday, at the memorial service for Bob Dole, these two disgraceful, immature prima donnas finally gave up any pretense and let it all hang out.

Last year, during a discussion about male versus female government leaders, my daughter opined that it’s not true that countries led by women would be less likely to go to war. Instead, she said, “They’d go to war but they wouldn’t talk to each other for a month first.” I thought of that when I saw the video showing the little teen-queen drama that Biden and Harris enacted at Dole’s memorial service.

First, Harris and her hubby (whose name I always forget), were led to their seats. If you imagine the seats running from left to right, and numbered 1 through 4, hubby occupied seat 1 and Harris occupied seat 2.

Next, the assembled people stood when Biden and Mrs. Biden entered. As Biden passed Harris, the president of the United States and the person who will take his place should something happen to him, showed all the grace of angry teen girls in the silent phase of their fight, looking anywhere but each other. Biden then stood before seat 3, next to Harris, and Mrs. Biden stood before seat 4.

Biden’s and Harris’s conspicuous “I’m not talking to you!” moment was bad enough. It got worse after that. Biden, agitated, whispered something to his wife. She whispered back. Then, more agitated, he whispered again to her—at which point Biden and the missus changed sides so that Biden didn’t have to stand next to his Vice President.

Before you think I’m reading too much into the scene, you should watch it for yourself. Their immaturity is there for all to see, as plain as day:

Watching that piece of juvenile theater, do you feel that our country’s in the very best of hands? What’s worse is knowing that Xi Jinping is watching this and rubbing his hands in glee. When he unleashes whatever it is he’s going to unleash, he won’t be rousing a sleeping giant. He’ll be squishing cockroaches.

These people in D.C. are appalling and disgusting. They are the elite at the end of the Roman Empire when it was disintegrating under the weight of moral and financial corruption.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2021, 06:28:42 AM »
Yeah, I watched it as it happened, childish in the extreme.
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Offline Northwoods

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2021, 11:35:15 AM »
Modern day leftist are the monkey humping a football of a political cult! They steal an election before our eyes and we're supposed to acknowledge them as the legitimate leadership? No sir, I recognize nothing as our Executive Branch at this time in America. I hang my head low now when I hear our National Anthem and see our Stars and Stripes which has been captured by the enemy. We're living in some dark days indeed friends and America is occupied territory as far as I'm concerned.. Yes it's that bad, I've never been very good a sugar coating crap or looking for a silver lining as you can tell.. I think most Americans realize we're in "dire" conditions and the Land Of The Free is now in an uncharted landscape.
I want movement, not a calm course of existence. I want excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I feel in myself a superabundance of energy which finds no outlet in our quiet life.”

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Offline Dee

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2021, 11:43:41 AM »
Well, I'm embarrassed by the "fool in chief" and his assistant harlot.

But I'm still a proud Texan, and an American, and DC might as well get used to it.
At my house the Constitution  and Bill of Rights are still my code of conduct in this country, and state.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline magooch

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2021, 06:01:29 PM »
Let's see, we're living in the best country in the world. and we're being led by two homo sapiens who couldn't qualify to perform menial tasks around the White House--let alone live there, or be allowed to visit.  But then there is the thought that "America where anyone can be President."  I guess this proves that point.

Offline DDZ

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2021, 12:50:57 AM »
If you watch any video of him walking there is someone now holding his hand or arm. I guess so he don't tip over.  When he was in Kansas city recently he was being led into some kind of shop, and he says "where am I"  so pathetic.  Here is a link to the video. I'm not a big Hannity fan, but it was in a piece on the Hannity show.  The video of Biden starts at the 45 second mark. 
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Offline Dee

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2021, 01:20:39 AM »
Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania,  Michigan, and Nevada voters sat on their asses and allowed a few, to steal an election in their states.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline phalanx

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2021, 03:46:06 AM »
I can't see how Biden is going to make it another three years. And Harris isn't worth her weight in manure.
But I'm sure the left has a grand plan.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
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Offline phalanx

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2021, 10:02:38 AM »
Ive seen dementia in one of my family members. Biden never should have been put in the White House.
He probably doesent even know what day it is.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III

Offline DDZ

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2021, 06:34:34 AM »
Ive seen dementia in one of my family members. Biden never should have been put in the White House.
He probably doesent even know what day it is.

I believe he was put in the white house because of his dementia. Who better for the Marxists that hate America to control than a demented Biden?
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline Dee

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2021, 06:59:17 AM »
Ive seen dementia in one of my family members. Biden never should have been put in the White House.
He probably doesent even know what day it is.

I believe he was put in the white house because of his dementia. Who better for the Marxists that hate America to control than a demented Biden?

I'm on board with that idea.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline magooch

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Re: Our counterfeit president and VP.
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2021, 11:39:38 AM »
Some might say Biden acts the way he does because he's in a compact with Beelzebub to steal the blood of all hutive people. i.e. contaminate.
Which seems to be his main function.
By Jovie I think you're onto something.