Relax...Do you really think a breakthrough in cold fusion, would bring on an energy Utopia for all of us?
I am old enough to recall promises of "plenty for everybody", only to see such silly hopes dashed.
It seems the industrial revolution was the last big movement to pay off for John Q Public.
After a hundred years or so, the industrial revolution started to show benefits in everyman's life.
I can recall when silly promises were made..
Progress after WW2 would provide every family with a quality home and all the trimmings.
Nuclear power generation would all but wipe out the monthly family electric bill.
New drugs would be developed, wherein with one pill, horrifying diseases could be eradicated from a sufferer's life...(and perhaps it could.)
The League of Nations..later the UN...would wipe warfare out of the world.
Obama & Biden said "if we would just "be nice" to the bad guys, the bad guys would be nice to us.
Lefties from around the world said socialism would wipe out poverty.
The computer age would cut the work week to a few short hours...and the workers would still collect full pay.
Democrats said lifting people out of poverty via government 'programs', would cut crime to a they launched their "war on poverty"..
How are all those promises and programs doing these days? Now with cold fusion, we have the pending promise of abundant and virtually free energy for everyone.. Do you really think the billionaires will allow that?
...Seems like Nicolai Tesla came up with a way for each of us to enjoy plentiful energy for a very low cost.. WHAT HAPPENED?