Author Topic: Gun Laws and Your Civil Rights  (Read 516 times)

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Gun Laws and Your Civil Rights
« on: March 15, 2004, 04:49:35 AM »
Gun Laws and your Civil Rights
Posted on March 10, 2004 at 04:50:58 PM by Adrian J Hare

Hello All,

I'm speaking out today as a warning to all gun owners in Ontario and the rest of Canada. I speak from 100% experience, from someone that did nothing but hunt and over looked alot more than I should of. I was not a Criminal, so I didn't need to know the Criminal laws, as well I didn't need to know my Civil rights as a Canadian, because I did not think I was a Criminal and needed to. I was just a Hunter and a Long Gun owner like most. Just to let everyone know , I Was Wrong.

There's a lot more to this than everyone thinks.
I just spent 2+ years of my life completely upside Down, fighting in the Courts, Charges that were laid against me, because of untrue Allegations/Tips about something other than Guns and Weapons that I owned. In all the actions , not knowing my Civil Rights in turn made things worse for me. After finding that the allegation that was made was not true, I was in turned charged for 3 related Guns offences.

1/ Unsafe Storage of Ammunition

2/ Unsafe Storage of Firearms

3/ Being in Possession of a Prohibited Weapon (Something I did not know)

After a 2 hour search of my home, 8+ officals could not find my firearms. I was asked as to where I kept them. I was informed that they knew I had Registered Firearms. I told them where they were,(not knowing my Civil Rights).

I have fought this on my own for the last 2+ years with 2 Lawyers just to keep my behind out of jail. Yes! this is what our Government Laws want, when they know there was a mistake,and won't admit to it, there view is,,, they are not wrong. I have been to court over this about 10+ times, fighting it on my own with no help from any Organizations here on this issue. After spending Thousands, and Thousands and more Thousands to prove my innocence, yesterday was the final and end to all of the stress I've been under for years. This story is so unbelievable that most can not believe it happened here in Ontario. But in the End with help from the Best Firearms Lawyer in Ontario and maybe Canada All charges have been dismissed.

Just to let you all know some of the things I learned in the past 2+years.

1/ My Lawyers are from Collingwood Ont., Firearms-Paul Shaw & Criminal-Bryan Mclellan can be reached at 705-445-1382.

2/ Get to know all Criminal Gun and ! Weapon Laws.

3/ If you're a Gun Owner , know your Storage and Traveling Laws and Stick with them.

4/ The Most important; Know your Civil Rights in this Country and the rights that you have when The officials come to your Door!

I'm not looking for sympathy here , I just want to Warn all Canadian Gun owners, It can happen to you when you don't expect it.

Adrian Hare

The Ontario Hunting Lodge
Tomorrow is another day!