Yes, don't let us all scare you. The loads the Beretta Stampede are safe with is the STANDARD 45 Colt load. The ammo labeled for Rugers only is similar to 44 Magnum, and not something you would ever stand and shoot all day, or even a whole box of before going home. If someone has a Ruger, and wants Magnum performance as for hunting, self punishment or bragging, they can load or buy that ammo. The reloading manuals put Ruger loads on a separate page, and clearly indicate it's for Rugers and Thompson Contenders. Don't worry about stanfdard Winchester, or any other ammo marked "Cowboy Loads" o SASS loads. Hogdon and other powder companies now list "Cowboy" loads in their manuals. The Beretta will last longer than you will. Oh, Rugers are stronger because of the grade of steel they are casting, probably similar to 4140 or 4150. The cylinder is bigger in Diameter so the wals are thicker, and the frame is bigger. The Ruger is also heavier, less balanced, and prone to more tool marks. The Beretta, like any Colt or clone is more prone to spring breakage, particularly the hand spring and bolt spring, you can get parts (Uberti) from