Author Topic: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?  (Read 366 times)

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Offline O-mega

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Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« on: March 31, 2022, 11:01:03 AM »
Professor John Mearsheimer gives a very good lecture on why Ukraine is the wests fault, like I have been saying all along.  And he stated this seven years ago, but it is now playing out even worse than Crimea.  Over an hour long, but well worth it if you have any interest in this mess.
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Re: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2022, 11:26:36 AM »
I don't do many videos, but will assume that he's talking about NATO promoting the idea of moving right upto Russian borders, and promoting Regime changes,  along with the United States putting sanctions on Russian energy through arm twisting in NATO members.

Its always about power and money.
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Online ironglow

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Re: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2022, 12:07:30 PM »
That guy has a series of videos, and they all seem to be of the "hate America" variety.
   I started into a couple of them, and finally tossed them off as the ramblings of just one more hate America, ...American.  Assuming he was born here.
  He belabors the US with all kinds of accusations, while providing various excuses for the usual bad behavior of communists.

  As I see it, the situation is simple...
   In January 2022, the Ukraine was busily humming along..still trying to forge a cohesive country, after ousting a corrupt regime.
  It was February 24, 2022.. when Putin launched an attack upon his neighbor.  No previous complaint to the UN or world courts, not warnings..just a sudden, brutal attack.

   No matter what the gripe, it would seem that before attacking a quiet neighbor, the aggressor would at least offer a cohesive reason for such a seemingly unprovoked attack.

  Perhaps his motives can best be understood when he explains his theory of "NEOREALISM", where he makes his play for a "one world government"..
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Offline O-mega

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Re: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2022, 12:30:25 PM »
That guy has a series of videos, and they all seem to be of the "hate America" variety.
   I started into a couple of them, and finally tossed them off as the ramblings of just one more hate America, ...American.  Assuming he was born here.
  He belabors the US with all kinds of accusations, while providing various excuses for the usual bad behavior of communists.

  As I see it, the situation is simple...
   In January 2022, the Ukraine was busily humming along..still trying to forge a cohesive country, after ousting a corrupt regime.
  It was February 24, 2022.. when Putin launched an attack upon his neighbor.  No previous complaint to the UN or world courts, not warnings..just a sudden, brutal attack.

   No matter what the gripe, it would seem that before attacking a quiet neighbor, the aggressor would at least offer a cohesive reason for such a seemingly unprovoked attack.
Very simplistic view, it is much more complicated than that.  Did you even watch the video, or just dismiss it outright?  Any points in the video which you can contradict?  Yea, me either, which is the whole point.
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Online Mule 11

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Re: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2022, 03:36:46 PM »
That guy has a series of videos, and they all seem to be of the "hate America" variety.
   I started into a couple of them, and finally tossed them off as the ramblings of just one more hate America, ...American.  Assuming he was born here.
  He belabors the US with all kinds of accusations, while providing various excuses for the usual bad behavior of communists.

  As I see it, the situation is simple...
   In January 2022, the Ukraine was busily humming along..still trying to forge a cohesive country, after ousting a corrupt regime.
  It was February 24, 2022.. when Putin launched an attack upon his neighbor.  No previous complaint to the UN or world courts, not warnings..just a sudden, brutal attack.

   No matter what the gripe, it would seem that before attacking a quiet neighbor, the aggressor would at least offer a cohesive reason for such a seemingly unprovoked attack.

  Perhaps his motives can best be understood when he explains his theory of "NEOREALISM", where he makes his play for a "one world government"..
“As I see it”    :)
“the situation is simple”     :)
Nuff said...

Online ironglow

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Re: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2022, 02:26:30 AM »
  "Very simplistic view, it is much more complicated than that.  Did you even watch the video, or just dismiss it outright?  Any points in the video which you can contradict?  Yea, me either, which is the whole point."

  While I did skim through your offered video, having viewed some of his other videos, I was not about to  sit through another hour and a quarter, to see repeats of what he has said in other videos.
  I did see where he seemed to think it was perfectly fine for Putin to keep dissident elements in the Ukraine, stirred up against their own government. I wonder if he feels the same way, were others to keep stirring up dissidents in Russia?
  He blames the US for Ukraine desiring to become part of NATO.  I wonder if it ever crossed his mind that Ukraine may not have shown such interest, had Russia not shown an interest in re-absorbing the Ukraine back into a resurgent USSR,

  Do you suppose making Belarus a dependent state, and swallowing up of Georgia, Crimea and Kazackhstan, helped to persuade Ukraine to lean toward NATO ?

  So, if Ukraine did look toward NATO..   To put the shoe on the other foot..if Canada decides to join in with some entity that is against our interests..would that give us a right to invade our neighboring country ?    ...Just asking...

  ..After all..there are a  considerable number of "English speakers" in Canada!   ;)  :D  ;D ;D ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline O-mega

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Re: Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2022, 02:49:38 AM »
  "Very simplistic view, it is much more complicated than that.  Did you even watch the video, or just dismiss it outright?  Any points in the video which you can contradict?  Yea, me either, which is the whole point."

  While I did skim through your offered video, having viewed some of his other videos, I was not about to  sit through another hour and a quarter, to see repeats of what he has said in other videos.
  I did see where he seemed to think it was perfectly fine for Putin to keep dissident elements in the Ukraine, stirred up against their own government. I wonder if he feels the same way, were others to keep stirring up dissidents in Russia?
  He blames the US for Ukraine desiring to become part of NATO.  I wonder if it ever crossed his mind that Ukraine may not have shown such interest, had Russia not shown an interest in re-absorbing the Ukraine back into a resurgent USSR,

  Do you suppose making Belarus a dependent state, and swallowing up of Georgia, Crimea and Kazackhstan, helped to persuade Ukraine to lean toward NATO ?

  So, if Ukraine did look toward NATO..   To put the shoe on the other foot..if Canada decides to join in with some entity that is against our interests..would that give us a right to invade our neighboring country ?    ...Just asking...

  ..After all..there are a  considerable number of "English speakers" in Canada!   ;)  :D  ;D ;D ;D
A right?  Maybe not, but we would definitely prevent that from happening, we even have a policy to do so.
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